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Want to try some breast milk?

I have a couple of references to breastfeeding in my posts. I am an advocate of breastfeeding and think that there should be more advocacy and encouragement of breastfeeding particularly in public. That does not mean women running around flaunting their bosoms but that women should feel comfortable tending to the needs of their children in public without being told to go to the bathroom or scolded.

If you are in Ontario tomorrow, Jess Dobkin (that link should be work safe but I’ll tag it work questionable) will be doing a performance art piece called "The Lactation Station Breast Milk Bar" at The Ontario College of Art & Design Professional Gallery from 5pm to 8pm with an artist discussion at 8pm. This could be construed into breastfeeding awareness but to me the artist appears to like trying to shock the public. None the less, if you have ever wanted to try breast milk, Ontario is where you need to be tomorrow night.

…the pasteurized and culture tested by-product of six women would be available for tasting at the OCAD Professional Gallery on July 13 [Source (work questionable photo)]

Jess Dobkin received a $9000 grant to produce this piece! She will be tending the bar.

See also (no photos – work safe).

2 thoughts on “Want to try some breast milk?

  1. What, exactly, is wrong with a woman running around flaunting her bosoms?

  2. 🙂 I am a strong advocate of women running around flaunting their bosoms.

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