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Break the mental dam

I’m stuck. You know. Bouncing between Twitter and checking Reality Me for comments and email and generally not getting over the programming hurdle that has me in gridlock. So I’ve turned off the distractions but the mind races. It thinks of that overdue post about this past Thursday’s parent night at the high school. It thinks about the phone calls which need to be made to the NRA, Les Jones, and lawyers etc. It thinks about the squirrel trap in the attic. It thinks about anything but what it needs to be doing? How to calm the mind and get focused on work? Simple! Step away from the keyboard. Juggle or clean something. Do something drastically different from the task at hand so that in 5 minutes the task at hand seems fresh and new!

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State of Me

Cold. Needed a haircut before Christmas. Now I really need a haircut. Focused on tying up some loose ends on some old projects so that I can move forward with some new projects. Dreading next month’s electric bill. Am feeling pretty sane and balanced between work, personal life/children, and community/volunteer activities.

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Bizarre FTP problem

One of my clients changed their ftp server to use active mode instead of passive mode. Using SmartFTP, WinSCP, the DOS prompt, and Filezilla all fail to get a directory listing off the server. They each appear to connect but then die. One gives an error message of "Failed to retrieve directory listing" and "An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine." I initially thought Comcast was blocking a necessary port but I can FTP fine to other servers both secure and non-securely.

I can however, connect to the client’s server from one of my shell accounts on a server where I do some hosting. So my work around to this problem is to ftp files to and from the client’s server with the shell and then to and from my local machine with the shell. So the shell account is acting like a middle man. What a pain!

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How to do the impossible

Got something you cannot seem to do?

  1. Stop telling yourself it is impossible!
  2. Put the distractions away. Turn off IRC. Turn off Twitter. Play one final game of Battle Front. Make one final blog post about doing the impossible.
  3. Quit hyperfixating on the stumbling blocks. There are always multiple solutions to a problem. Chose a solution rather than a stumbling block! Even if the solution is not elegant.
  4. Get Nike on yourself. Quit thinking about it and just do it!
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Anyone need a Seesmic invite?

I don’t like comparing Seesmic to Twitter because they are vastly different. However, everyone’s first response to Seesmic is "This is Twitter with video!" It is a valid metaphor. Once into Seesmic though you will see that is a time-shifted conversation. Do not time to keep up with the public timeline! It is not synchronous so Seesmic is NOT video chatting. It is asynchronous. While you are watching someone’s video response a few other people may be making responses. While you are watching those responses the actual timeline slips further into the future while you remain in the past to participate in the conversation of your choice.

I have compared Seesmic to being in a party. You hear the noise of all the conversations. Your mind can half-heartedly follow a few of the conversations. And you can commit yourself to one or two. If you step out of the party The Conversation continues and when you return you just step in at that moment. You don’t ask people to rewind or go watch the security tapes to try to catch up. You simply rejoin The Conversation. Same with Seesmic.

Warning! Seesmic is addictive! There are no timezones because Seesmic is on World Time. It never shuts down. You will get to know people from countries all over the world.

If you think you are ready for Seesmic, drop me a comment,, or Twitter me. I have a few invites. First come, first serve. Of course, bribes, links, and contributions to my Vasectomy Campaign (see also) are appreciated!