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What if this isn’t real?

What if the world we live in is actually a MMORPG? What if my life is really being controlled by some hormonal pissed off teenager whose parents keep complaining about the ridiculous amount of useless time he spends playing The Game of Earth? "I’m going to screw with my character today and make his notebook disappear! Because my rents don’t want me playing today. While I’m offline, I’ll let my character suffer and look for his notebook all day but he won’t find it because I’ve used my hex editor to remove it from the game! Ha!"

Where’s that coffee delivery boy?

9 thoughts on “What if this isn’t real?

  1. If the world we lived in was indeed an MMORPG, then I totally demand that my controller activate the cash exploit and drench me in a bajillion bucks!

  2. I think the controllers are all sadistic.

  3. Hey, just be glad that this isn’t a PvP-mandatory server we’re all on. I’m just a level 2 nunchuck expert with low XP and HPs and spend all my time farming salary.

  4. You know. The MMORPG concept would explain inter-dimensional slips and out of body experiences. “Whoops. That character instantiated on the wrong server. That bug showed up again! What do we do?” “Make him think he’s dreaming quick!”

    I suppose The Game of Earth implies a WoW setting. I think we are probably more of The Life of Earth which would be more like Second Life.

  5. Second Life, eh? explains all the billboards and commercials and ads I see everywhere I go. =)


  6. If this is all an MMORPG, I wish my player would read a strategy guide or something. He seems to suck at this game.

  7. Just be glad it’s not GTA IV online.

  8. DylanW:I think I’m being played by the same guy.

    Danny:You’re just not living in the right

  9. Funny, this was a recurring theme at SXSW. Fact is, life IS a game, but many aspect of it are not designed for fun. Standing in line at the DMV, for example, is like so many 90’s-era platformers. You can jump all you want but ultimately you are just doing the same thing over and over again…

    Some things are designed just like a game: LinkedIn. Don’t you want to level up and get to 100% on your profile? Then it goes back down again! Level up! Ad funeum.

    For other conspiracy theories I believe in, read “Watchmen”

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