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I forget people read these things

They are called blogs. It’s some bizarre contraction of a made up compound word "weblog." Get it? A log on the web. Like a journal or chronographic permanent record of events. That’s what differentiates a weblog from a website. The blog aspect is regularly updated with dated, possibly time sensitive information. As a web developer, blogs bothered me. When the term caught on I’d shake my head and cry out, "it’s just a website with frequent updates!"

Today, weblogs have become quintessential marketing tools. People often create blogs along with social media campaigns with the sole intention of highlighting their products. From this aspect, I blog entirely wrong. It would be easy to create a blog and only showoff or highlight certain aspects of my skillset but then that is not why I do this. None-the-less, successful blogs do focus on a niche or a consistency because people like that. I read certain blogs but I come to expect a particular style or a type of information delivered from their format. I gain something from that. My niche? Random factoids peppered with bits of my family life and coated with a healthy helping of bemoaning my stress levels? Eh? Meh even. Perhaps its time for a blog facelift!

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I had a bothersome email this morning alerting me that Jumpcut is closing its doors. Why was this bothersome? Mainly because I didn’t know what Jumpcut was nor did I realize I had an account…but sure enough I do!

Jumpcut is a place to make movies and interact with people. This is your personal home, where you can work with your stuff and see activity that is related to you. As you upload and interact with Jumpcut, it will fill up nicely. [Source, Jumpcut]

Here’s the email:

Dear Jumpcut user,

After careful consideration, we will be officially closing the site on June 15, 2009. This was a difficult decision to make, but it’s part of the ongoing prioritization efforts at Yahoo!

We have released a software utility that allows you to download the movies you created on Jumpcut to your computer. As well, you can now download your original assets. Please visit the download page at to get started.

Once you download your movies, you may choose to upload them to another site such as Flickr, which allows video uploads for short videos (90 seconds or less). You can find out more here:

Thanks for being a part of Jumpcut.

The Jumpcut Team

Read about’s history on Wikipedia.