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My child’s safety is more important than your schedule

Update 31 Aug 2009: Mr. Roy Mullins contacted me today to say the stop will be returned to Aspen Drive and Huntington Road. My many thanks to Mr. Roy Mullins, Knox County Schools, and the Transportation Department!

Dear Knox County Schools,
Today is my anniversary. The present that you gave me is a rejection letter with a line of bull regarding my child’s bus stop. See, 8 years ago you and I spent 3 years establishing a new bus stop for the elementary students that gets them safely away from S Northshore Drive and adds no time to your route. I’ll grant you an added 30 seconds to 2 minutes depending on traffic. For 5 years the bus route was run without problem safely within our neighborhood on a road parallel to S Northshore. Now you’d have my children stand on the edge of a 40 mph road with a blind corner and a blind hill. Already once this first week of school, I had to move a child from the left side of the road where he was standing in the path that cars use to whip from 40 mph down to the 25 mph neighborhood road. The corner is blind with overgrown bushes and had a car turned in the child would have been dead long before the driver saw him. Is that what will have to happen for you to see this stop as dangerous? Will a child have to die? You also seem to have a stop prior to ours. I am not yet sure how that is possible because anything before us is supposed to be in the parent responsibility zone which means all the other children in our neighborhood should now be granted busing. It’s a shame that you and I both have to put resources into this needless battle (a 2nd time) when our time could be spent doing something productive for our school system.
Doug McCaughan

ps. You know. I really had hoped that KCS had reached a point of wanting to work together to improve our education system instead of playing games and fighting.

(you’ll have my official letter soon)

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Happy Anniversary Cathy!

Cathy and I were married at Gatlinburg’s Ye Ol’ Tyme Photo Boothe and its been one grand adventure since then!

August 25, 2001

Saturday I was making grandiose plans to make grandiose plans for today. I remembered our wedding anniversary! This morning I received an email from a great friend wishing me a happy anniversary. She’d remembered; I’d forgotten! Today is Tuesday which means we stick to the family tradition of Domino’s Two-fer Tuesday so for our bronze anniversary we are having BBQ chicken pizza.

I cannot put into words how much I love Cathy! She moves me in so many ways. She has brought so much happiness into my life!

Cathy I love you! Happy Anniversary! I look forward to many more!

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From the mouths of babes

Why fathers should skip their daughter’s teen years.

Me: "How are you doing on lunch money?"
Sarah, 16 years old, looks at me like I just asked the craziest question ever: "I dunno."
Me: "You don’t know how much money is in your account?"
Sarah: "Well no. There should be a few days."
Me: "Today, when you buy lunch, could you check on your balance please?"
Sarah, looking very put out: "I guess."

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What’s that smell?

Dear Deodorant Companies, please quit watering down your formulas to try to sell us on your higher price clinical brands. Your watering down habit has found itself into the clinical brands or your formulas just don’t work. I have a household full of teenagers right now. I can attest that all of you, Gillette, Axe, Secret, Right Guard, etc. stink! (actually I think its the teens that smell)

That’s enough of a rant. I just had to clear the air. Thx.

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Burying the past

I just went through a box circa 1999-2001. It contained newspapers that were so large they felt awkward in my hands compared to today’s tiny paper. I recycled stacks of business cards of names that brought back interesting memories but will never be contacted again. I tossed papers of a defunct business which reminded me of the many things I had my hands in. I did some neat things back then. I found an uncashed check for $1 from 2000. It feels good to get that stuff out of the house.

Update: I filled up a 30 gallon trash bag plus another 13 gallon trash bag with papers I’ve been holding onto from 1999-2001. The recycle can is full! That was cathartic.

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Into the depths

Somewhere, buried deep in a box long forgotten in some dark corner of a long lost closet is a container of Novus plastic polish. I’ve promised the children I’ll fix all their scratched CDs, DVDs, and games. Today I don my adventurer’s hat, throw a whip over my shoulder, brush away some cobwebs and disappear into the darkness. If no one has heard from me by Monday, send search and rescue!