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So much accomplished and so much more to do

This has been an action packed weekend. Well, Saturday could have been better. Saturday was taxi day. I woke at 5:45am to drive Tommy to work. Instead of staying up and being productive, I went back down for a "nap" and was left little productive time before taking Amy to her friend’s house across town. A few errands (Home Depot) later and it was time to pick Amy up and head off for some Tax Free Weekend shopping which culminated in sending the children to the grandparents and having a date with my wife. Today, Sunday, was far more productive. A great cleaning occurred in the downstairs (still hard to tell). Noah helped empty the Dodge Neon (a car being used as storage for Ladies of Charity) which I hope will motivate me to install the new water pump. I did not get to install the shelving downstairs that I set as my weekend goal but at least now I can access the wall where the shelving will be installed. I attended a meeting for the launch of the cub scouting year. I’ve worked on a plan to help a local organization with a technical endeavor. And now, weary, I work to finish a client obligation only which after it is done can I begin to relax and figure out where the unfinished business will fit into this week’s schedule.

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365 days of trash

I’m rekindling my effort to toss something every day for a year. Today, I have already successfully discarded a box of documentation from 2000 (mostly old business paperwork) including an IRA application my mother had asked me to fill out and return to her. Oops. And the mint condition Palm Pilot III manuals.

Next, my notesbooks from high school. Er, yes, I may have notebooks from my high school classes in my garage.