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Sourcing my lab

From a book I purchased for $3.95 when I was about twelve years old.

Fill a small pitcher full of water and dissolve a small amount of ferric ammonium sulphate in the water. Then make up a small amount of sodium salicylate solution. …

Other recipes include permanganate of potash, sulphuric acid, solution of sodium hyposulphite, sodium carbonate, phenolthalein solution, tartaric acid solution and the list goes on.
Time to start sourcing chemicals for my lab.

My full shopping list can be found at Anyone want to help me source this?

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Zipline update

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Attempted to make the zipline work. I’ve increased its length so we get more play and sag in the rope. The seat therefore bottoms out. Raising the rope and making it as taut as possible only resulted in a seat that is too high and becomes a projectile upon getting off. While the longer ride sounds fun, unless I replace the static line with a steel cable and a static line I suspect this is a bust. Wait! I could use prusiks and a come along on the static line. Hmmm. I wonder what the tolerances are?