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And he’s off to camp

I dropped Evan off at Camp today. Last year I had the pleasure of being a campsite host. I passed on being part of the staff this year. I had the pleasure of seeing several adults and scouts who were part of campsite #8 last year. Really enjoyed speaking with them again. Some were staying at camp and for half a moment I thought how fun it would be to simply hang out with the other adults (the parents are being kept away from the children); however, duty calls.

It was bittersweet dropping Evan off and just leaving. I didn’t even wait for them to hike away from the check-in. He was laughing with new faces, new friends, and didn’t need me around. They grow too fast. I’m quite happy for Evan.

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The long weekend has ended

Why are holidays and vacations always exactly one day too short?!

This weekend entailed yard work including progress on what will be the foundation to the storage shed. The grandparents bought fireworks for the children and we took an evening to dine with them then have an explosive show. And computer work of course. I don’t take vacation from my clients so there was computer programming.

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PSA: Bras make your breasts sag

Jean-Denis Rouillon has been studying breasts for 18 years (I’ve been studying them my whole life! *wink wink*). His technique? I slide ruler, a caliper, and 330 volunteers between the ages of 18 and 35. Holy Hell I’ve lived my life wrong! Why didn’t someone tell me this field of research existed?! I would have gotten my PhDD!

"Medically, physiologically, anatomically — breasts gain no benefit from being denied gravity," Rouillon said, as quoted on "On the contrary, they get saggier with a bra."

[Source,, Bras Make Breasts Sag, Study Suggests, 2013]