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I appear too busy

I often hear "Doug, you are too busy." I have missed opportunities because people assume I am too busy and do not offer the opportunity to me. I will be busy the rest of my life. I will rest when I die. Granted, I will get my nightly sleep and I will appreciate nature and meditate but I will not rest until I die. That is to say, I want a full life. I want a life that I can look back upon and smile knowing I have contributed and made a difference. As such, I will do much. And if you ask me to do something that I cannot take on or do not feel fits into my personal mission statement, I will politely decline. If you offer me an opportunity that excites me, I will reevaluate my commitments and decide if something can be removed to make room for your opportunity. Yes, I am busy. No, I am not too busy.