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Rabbit, rabbit

I toyed with superstitions as a child. The common ones: walking under a ladder is bad luck, always put your right shoe on first, breaking a mirror will get you 7 years bad luck (I still twitch at the thought of breaking a mirror), 4 leaf clovers are good luck, and I even owned a rabbit foot (not so lucky for the rabbit). There were some other more ritualistic superstitions I had but they’ve slipped my brain. I challenged the walking under a ladder by setting one up and intentionally going under it 100 times or so (which is probably part of why my life as unfolded the way it did). I used to find it very relaxing to sit in a clover patch and seek out a 4 leaf clover. When I’d find one, I’d stick it in the L section of the dictionary on the page that had the definition for luck. Will we have to buy two Kindles in the future to press flowers?

Today, KristyK taught me a new one when she published "rabbit, rabbit" on Facebook. I almost let it go as someone just being silly on the Internet but she had a comment talking about remembering to say it. Why would you say it? Thanks to the power of Google and Wikipedia, I now understand.

…a common superstition, held particularly among children. The most common modern version states that a person should say “rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit” upon waking on the first day of each new month, and on doing so will receive good luck for the remainder of that month. [Source, Wikipedia, Rabbit rabbit]

Dare I teach "rabbit rabbit white rabbit" to my children?

4 thoughts on “Rabbit, rabbit

  1. […] Doug McCaughan Spread the word: […]

  2. Personally I don’t think superstitions do anyone any good.

  3. I’m not much on superstitions, but I like the little reminder that it is a new month. Kind of like starting over, but in a smaller more manageable way than New Years. New month. New attitude. New possiblities…

  4. I have superstitions ingrained in me for instance I still put my right shoe on first but that’s a habit more than believing in a superstition. My thought was the same as kristyk’s: It’s a nice reminder that a new month is beginning. A while back I hung simple, analog clocks in each of the children’s rooms because I felt like they 1) didn’t know how to read a traditional clock and 2) didn’t have a concept of time which a regular clock helps visualize so much better than a digital clock. In the same way, I don’t think they get a decent representation for the passing of time on a larger scale and rabbit rabbit could certainly help with that.

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