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Haslam Makes Me Giggle

Right! Sure. Billy you just keep fooling yourself.

"These are great jobs with bright, creative people who have created something that’s special here," Haslam said. "When you talk about the media production business, now you talk about Knoxville in the same league as New York and Chicago and L.A. And maybe this is an even better place." [Source]

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Developer Tip of the Day

If you have two servers with the same directory structure and you are ftp’d and remote desktop’d into one of these servers, when you ftp a file if it doesn’t immediately appear in the directory in the remote desktop, then you are probably ftp’d into the wrong server.

To non-developers, I acknowledge that as you read that you probably hear Charlie Brown’s adult wah wahs in your head. For that, I apologize!

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ASP Classic on Windows 2003? Jump a hoop!

If you are trying to get an Active Server Pages class (instead of .NET) application to work on your Windows 2003 and not getting any pages returned, look in the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager at the Web Services Extensions. You are likely to see that Active Server Pages is Prohibited. Simply right click and choose Allow. Now your ASP classic application will function!

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What is Monday?

Project 1 says be done now!
Project 2 says be done now!
Project 3 says be done now!
Project 4 says be done now!
Project 5 says be done now!
Project 6 says be done now!
Bank says be done with all projects now!
Dryer says make me your project now!
PTO says be done now!
Scouts say be done now!

I feel finished.

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High School Football Idn’t Bad!

As a teen, I went to two high schools. Only going to one wasn’t challenging enough. Okay, maybe that’s not it. I went to 9th and 10th grade at Lenape High School in Medford, New Jersey. I went to 11th and 12th grade at Germantown High School in Germantown, Tennessee. In the 9th grade I was on the track team doing pole vault, high jump, hurdles, and the 400 meter relay. That was fun! I gave it up because I learned that if you work for someone they give you money. I started washing buses for $3 per hour under the table. That was the end of my high school extracurricular activity. What a mistake! Between working and being absorbed with computers, I never went to a high school football game.

Since my daughter Sarah is now on the flag team at her high school, we are going to the games as good band parents should, to support the school. I have to say I have enjoyed the games very much (despite what Cathy’s pictures would have you believe)! I like bumping into friends, and the teams play really well! I’ll be going to many more.

Farragut vs Bearden was a loud game! We showed up earlier than last time and thought we’d missed kickoff. From the parking lot the stadium could be seen as packed and it roared with activity. I won’t review the game because there are more qualified people to do that. I’ll just say it was not boring. The Bearden band did not know their routine so the half-time show had no marching and no flags. That was a bit of a let down. I was tickled to see Brian Hornback on the field during Scott Moore’s presentation of a $500 contribution to each school! Cathy knew he’d be there because Brian doesn’t miss Farragut football games but we really didn’t expect to see him much less on the field! During half-time a woman in the Farragut bleachers passed out and several paramedics and police carried her out. I fear it was heart attack. I’d certainly like to know that she’s okay. They almost drove an ambulance into the stadium to get her. The game went into overtime and the teams played ferociously but Bearden ended up losing to Farragut 35 to 28. Despite their great playing, the high schoolers were distraught, some to the point of tears. Frankly, Bearden won the can drive and played an exceptional game. I know its easy to say but they should be proud! Get ’em next time!

Here’s the schools I attended:

  1. Pre-school, St John’s Episcopal Church, Wilmington, NC
  2. Kindergarten+2weeks 1st grade: Forest Hills Elementary School, Wilmington, NC
  3. 1st-3rd: Cary Elementary School, Cary, North Carolina
  4. 4th and 5th: Not Audubon? (have to look that one up)
  5. 6th and 7th: Theodore Roosevelt Middle School, Kenner, Louisiana
  6. 8th: Medford Middle School, Medford, New Jersey
  7. 9th and 10th: Lenape High School, New Jersey
  8. 11th and 12th: Germantown High School, Germantown, TN
  9. 1988-1993: University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee
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Dear Adobe…what’s wrong with you?

Hello Adobe! Livedocs sucked much less (can’t say it was much better) when you could filter functions and tags by ColdFusion version. Believe it or not, everyone has not upgrade to ColdFusion 8 yet. Guess what! Not everyone will! I still have clients using ColdFusion 5. It isused to be very nice to be able to look in the documentation and see only the stuff that applied to a specific version of the product. Now you have to read the history notes to decipher what applies to your specific situation. Very cumbersome!

I am certain some marketing person told you that including the ColdFusion 8 function descriptions in the help would excite people using older version to upgrade and yes the CF8 new functions sound very intriguing but that isn’t going to inspire me to run out and upgrade. I’m the developer! Not the purchasing agent. All you’ve done is frustrate an advocate of your products.