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Habits Meme

In two years of blogging, I think I’ve done one meme. Barry from the Inn of the Last Home has tagged me.

The “rules” indicate that I should add this portion of text so here you go; enjoy.

The first player of this game starts with the topic “five weird habits of yourself,” and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals. Don’t forget to leave a comment in their blog or journal that says “You have been tagged” (assuming they take comments) and tell them to read yours.

My wife thought I may find this one rather challenging. She wondered how I could possibly choose only 5. I agree that I could list far more than 5 so I’m going to focus on the morning habits.

  1. I wake up chastising myself for sleeping [to long]. I used to wake by jolting from the bed to the center of the room into a fighting stance, often still not fully awake. My roommate in my first apartment found this quite amusing. I wake without an alarm clock usually within minutes of the time I told myself to wake up as I fell asleep. I can fall asleep within seconds of my head hitting the pillow.
  2. I blow my nose first thing after waking whether I need to or not.
  3. After blowing my nose, I wipe my right nostril twice; then my left nostril twice; then my right nostril once. Despite my wife mimicing me I can’t stop the habit.
  4. I drink a half a pot of coffee everyday even if I don’t want the coffee. It used to be two pots a day then I quit cold turkey for a while. I only brew half a pot so that I can’t drink more without concerted effort. I choose my coffee mugs very particularly based on mood and the activity I’ll be doing while drinking.
  5. I put my right shoe on first. When I was 10 or 11 living in New Orleans with voodoo and superstition, I became convinced that it was bad luck to put your left shoe on before your right. Since then I have laughed off the superstition but never kicked the habit. Occasionally I put the left shoe on first but it is very intentionally going against the grain and often with the inner dialog of “I’m putting on my left shoe first just to show that it doesn’t always have to be the right shoe first.”

Ah! Now comes the tagging. I see there is a “5 weird things about me” meme going around that is similar to this habits meme. So KristyK is absolved.

And I tag: Mackee at Appalachistan, James of Puerilis, Philip of The Blue Sloth, (going on a limb here) Amanda Congdon of RocketBoom, and Juliepatchoulie.

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WYSIWYG editor choices

Almost every web application I write has some form of content management piece. People have come to expect MS Word style functionality at no additional cost. Naturally it would cost a fortune to build an editor from scratch so thank goodness we have the open source community! For eons I used Ezedit but this eventually evolved into ActiveEdit with a pricetag. I switched to FCKEditor (those are the author’s initials you dirty minded people) but was disappointed with the difficulty I had integrating it with each new site plus I couldn’t get it to work well with FireFox. I changed to TinyMCE and have been thrilled but started searching around for the greener grass. I found this outstanding chart that every developer must bookmark which gives me the confidence that TinyMCE is the greener grass!

As a sidebar, both Drupal and WordPress use TinyMCE.

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Now this is a car commercial!

Watch this video for the Volkswagon Polo titled “German engineering vs Arab engineering.” Warning! Work safe but potentially offensive to people that have lost their minds in political correctness. To these folks, I ask that you lighten up. We don’t make our world a better place by ignoring reality, or re-writing history to be less offensive. We certainly don’t make a blind man see by calling him “visually impaired.” Frankly I find political correctness patronizing and that’s offensive.

Some followup:

A commercial accidently released on the Internet depicts a Miiddle Eastern suicide bomber blowing himself up in a VW Polo automobile. The advertisement – with a tagline of “Polo. Small but tough.” – was meant to show the sturdiness of the car, since it contained the explosion. The spot was produced by the British group “Lee and Dan” who claim Volkswagen did not request the ad.
January 20, 2005 — Volkswagen is planning to take legal action against the masterminds behind a hoax VW commercial depicting a suicide bomber.

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Free ColdFusion Script Engine

Many people view the price of Allaire’s Macromedia’s Adobe’s ColdFusion Server as a drawback. I view it as a plus since I feel strongly that you get what you pay for in this world. However, for those clients unwilling to pay the price, they now have a free option with IgniteFusion. I wonder if this developed from this scripting language of the same name released Oct 17, 2002?

Of course, NewAtlanta’s BlueDragon has been around awhile but their free version looks to be limited to a single ip developer edition now and their prices are approaching Adobe’s.

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Mom sues Applebee’s for $75k after 5 year old served Long Island Tea

Something about this story stinks.

Pereles said she did not realize her son was drinking a concoction of white rum, gin, vodka, triple sec, Coke and sweet-and-sour mix until it was too late. The boy’s eyes became glazed and he began to laugh uncontrollably

I’ve mixed many Long Island Teas and the best of them never tasted like anything that wouldn’t make a 5 year old sneer. As a parent, I am acutely aware of what my children are being served and if alcohol passed near our table, I’d smell it! I feel like restaurants are simply targets for scammers looking to make a buck off a lawsuit. Perhaps restaurants need warnings from the surgeon general “Warning! Food here is prepared by fallible humans. Despite regular inspections, health hazards such as fingertips in the food or incorrect orders may occur. Cranky, complaining customers are at greater risk. Eat at your own risk.

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Bush Throws Out The First Ammendment – Again

“Annoying someone via the Internet is now a federal crime”

Last Thursday, President Bush signed into law a prohibition on posting annoying Web messages or sending annoying e-mail messages without disclosing your true identity.

I like this exerpt from the article giving some real life scenerios that now could have legal problems:

Think about it: A woman fired by a manager who demanded sexual favors wants to blog about it without divulging her full name. An aspiring pundit hopes to set up the next A frustrated citizen wants to send e-mail describing corruption in local government without worrying about reprisals.

What I find funny is that our government in their lack of understanding keeps trying to create laws for an entity (the Internet) that spans the world and operates within and without our political boundaries and that is in addition to taking away our freedoms as outlined in the Constitution.

If President Bush truly believed in the principle of limited government (it is in his official bio), he’d realize that the law he signed cannot be squared with the Constitution he swore to uphold.

The full law from The Library of Congress. Be sure to read the complete C|Net article.

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Father of LSD turns 100 on Wednesday

The New York Times has an interesting article on Albert Hofmann who created LSD. He turns 100 on January 11, 2006 and is still “mentally clear.” He remains a strong advocate of LSD.

Mr. Hofmann calls LSD “medicine for the soul” and is frustrated by the worldwide prohibition that has pushed it underground. “It was used very successfully for 10 years in psychoanalysis,” he said, adding that the drug was hijacked by the youth movement of the 1960’s…

Wikipedia has more information.

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Backmasked Lyrics

We’ve all heard that if you play certain music backwards that you can hear hidden messages but have you ever tried it? This person actually went to the trouble of recording his music backwards to find the hidden messages. Technically he just recorded the music then reversed it in Windows Recorder. If you are only going to check out one, let it be Britney Spears “Hit Me Baby One More Time.”