This postis going to have me laughing the rest of the day.
Author: djuggler
Comcast Bites
Comcast’s DNS servers suck eggs.
Catching Worms
Yes! I’m up and going at 3:30am! Woke at 3 to rescue a crying child and actually managed to resist the temptation to return to bed. This is how a day should begin!
How do you connect to your vote?
Democrats use broadband; Republicans dialup.
Because kids know more than parents…
Oh Kim! Thanks for the smile!
ColdFusion On Wheels
As an answer to Ruby On Rails for ColdFusion, Rob Cameron has created ColdFusion on Wheels. Having a general distaste for the hype that comes with "frameworks" such as Fusebox, Mach-II, Model-Glue and so forth, I will explore with trepidation but to satiate curiosity and be able to knowledgeably speak of such methods I will look into them thoroughly.
Rob Cameron will soon have a site at And, wow, he’s gone to the trouble of putting together a video tutorial!
Wanna Be Artist
I sure wish I had this kind of talent! My brother will appreciate that one.
Its raining so naturally the cable is out. We cann…
Its raining so naturally the cable is out. We cannot drive a block without seeing a utility truck.
Need a free domain name?
The TLD .be is currently free.
Didn’t see that coming!
Whoa! Microsoft and Yahoo to Link IM Networks "Users will be able to exchange text messages, PC-to-PC voice chat."
Their partnership suggests that Microsoft and Yahoo may have set their eyes on higher advertising revenue based on a larger aggregation of instant messenger users
Google has put fear into them!
I’m a winner!
I almost forgot! I won my first Blingo prize! I won a movie ticket and since I signed up under my wife she won a movie ticket! A note: Be careful about who you sign up under as a single household can only claim 2 prizes a month meaning Cathy and I are done for a month. She could have rolled the dice and not claimed the movie ticket but we thought a date on Blingo was not bad. They offered an alternative prize of $10 to iTunes. The prize just before mine was an IPod Shuffle!
Sign up under me or under my wife and lets win together! There is no catch or obligation and it doesn’t generate spam. Blingo returns the same results you would see by searching google but they add some Adsense ads at the top and bottom of the results which is how they make their money.
Is the Navy recruiting in the elementary schools?
My 4th grader just said, "Dad, did you know that if you get one of your degrees in college and join then Navy that the Navy will pay up to 75% for your 2nd degree?" He explained that someone from the Navy came to his school and showed them pictures of ships. To me this just seems like a very wrong type of recruitment ploy but I suppose the thought has to be planted at sometime. If people don’t join our military, we will have to have mandatory service or a draft.
Blogger API
Does anyone have any experience with Blogger’s API? I’m running into problems trying to implement it in PHP and could use a second eye. And this example has not worked.
Quote of the Day
A professional is someone who can do his best work when he doesn’t feel like it.
– — Alistair Cooke
What is in that head?!
Morning comes and I’m up before the sun.
You know that dream where you are walking around naked and don’t really know why. Last night I dreamed I walked into a convenience store and the guy behind the counter was uncomfortably naked. He was sitting on a stool and trying to hide behind things to make it less evident he was naked. I didn’t say it to him but had this comforting thought, "Ah! Good. I’m not the only one that forgets to wear clothes."
The dream was far more complicated than that and in technicolor but that certainly a highlight. Time to get to work.