Category: Westley
Sunday mornings
The cat wants to play fetch while the dog wants to be on the other side of the door.
Get up
The animals have decreed that it is time for me to wake up.
The antialarm
It is impossible to get out of bed when two cats are sleeping on you.
Feeding Frenzy
I awake at 4am and suddenly all the animals think, "Yea! New feeding time!"
Either genius or stupid
Depending on your perspective, this is either a genius or not very brilliant solution to a cat problem. The kittens have taken to chewing electrical cords. At $80 a cord, Apple is loving our kittens. So, I’ve decided to train them away from cords…by squirting them with water when I see them chewing a cord. I think it is a spark of genius! One way or another, this problem will end.