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"Murphy was an optimist!"

Why do you blog? October 19, 2007 11:43 pm

Posted by Doug McCaughan in : Cool Sites, Of Interest
, 3comments

Narration: [audio:http://realityme.net/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/whydoyoublog.mp3]

I have explained why I blog. Different people have different motivations. Some for money; some for pleasure; some to educate; some to vent; some to communicate a message; and some for friendship. Have you read about "The red-headed, left thumb blogger"? I hadn’t until Chris Brogan introduced me to her through his "Glenda Watson Hyatt Rocks" post. Glenda Watson Hyatt blogs and Twitters. Play the video to be inspired and see how this has changed her world. You can help her get paid to blog for a year by voting for her.

Glenda Watson Hyatt shares her experiences living with cerebral palsy to motivate and inspire others to think about how they perceive their own situation and their own world around them. She does all this by typing with only her left thumb! [Source, Blog for a Year]
