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"Murphy was an optimist!"

1994 Was a Long Time Ago – Fix your website! July 29, 2009 11:14 am

Posted by Doug McCaughan in : Publishing, Technology
, 3comments

I need to offer some professional advice to some of you. 1994 was a long time ago. Some things your website should NOT be doing:

  1. do not resize my browser!
  2. do not automatically play music or videos! If you insist on doing this, do not loop the music/video and definitely do give me the ability to stop or pause the obnoxiousness.
  3. do not tell me your website is under construction! Your website should be an ever changing, living, breathing entity. Either hide the elements/pages that are not ready for prime time or put them up as-is and change them when ready. You should have a development server hidden from the public, a staging server which a limited amount of public eyes (testers) can see, and a production server that is live to the world. At the bare minimum you should have a development server and a production server. Never make changes directly on your production server.

Thank you.


Design Coding – Rapper explains my world April 16, 2008 6:44 pm

Posted by Doug McCaughan in : HTML, Programming, Software, Standards, Technology
, 2comments

m0serious you are my hero!

Please, I beg you. If you ask people to make a website for you or if you are an artist/designer that gives templates to a scripter or coder, watch this video all the way!
