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"Murphy was an optimist!"

TN/GA Border Dispute continues? June 3, 2008 7:50 am

Posted by Doug McCaughan in : Environment, Politics, Regional Politics (SE), Touchy Subjects
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I thought Georgia wanting to move the Tennessee border was a publicity stunt. Is this really continuing or is Knoxnews hurting that badly for a story? "More details as they develop online and in Wednesday’s News Sentinel."

Georgia’s water problem will not be solved by tapping the Tennessee River. They have a water management problem. If someone has a spending problem, their spending habit does not get cured by throwing more money at them. Georgia must develop land management and water management plans. How much of their water is flushed out to the Gulf of Mexico in storm drains rather than recaptured for recharging the aquifers? Does Peachtree Street need another fountain?

I predict there will be bloodshed if that border ever actually moves!

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