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"Murphy was an optimist!"

Free CFLs July 16, 2008 9:32 am

Posted by Doug McCaughan in : Announcements, Blogroll, Environment, Of Interest, Touchy Subjects
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The million lights project is offering free compact fluorescent bulbs to the first million requests.

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How green are you? Open your windows! October 26, 2007 1:53 am

Posted by Doug McCaughan in : Daily Life, Environment, Touchy Subjects
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In case you haven’t noticed, the weather has turned. Fall is here! And right now, at least in Knoxville, the temperature couldn’t be more perfect. Several days ago I turned off our air conditioner and opened the windows. Not only am I enjoying the outdoor sounds, such as rain and birds, I can expect a lower electrical bill. Imagine if an entire city turned off their air conditioners and opened the windows!

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