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"Murphy was an optimist!"

Swine Flu Cases in North Carolina April 27, 2009 10:27 pm

Posted by Doug McCaughan in : Health
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According to the H1N1 Swine Flu Map, 4 suspected cases of swine flu have come to North Carolina. That’s a little too close to home. I cannot tell what is happening up in New York City; just too many cases to determine if more have been added just by looking at the map. Same with Austin/San Antonio. Two confirmed cases have definitely been added to Sacramento. I haven’t been watching the rest of the world to tell what is happening beyond the borders.

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The spread of swine flu April 27, 2009 5:01 am

Posted by Doug McCaughan in : Health, Of Interest
, 2comments

According to the map, while we slept Sacramento and Dallas picked up a couple of suspected cases, and Indiana picked up two confirmed cases of the swine flu. Hard to tell but looks like more activity in New York City, San Antonio, and the San Diego/Los Angeles area.


H1N1 Swine Flu Map April 26, 2009 1:04 pm

Posted by Doug McCaughan in : Environment, Health, Touchy Subjects
, 6comments

UPDATE! The maps are now being updated at http://flutracker.rhizalabs.com/ and the embedded maps below are no longer being updated.

Remember, wash your hands frequently. Avoid public places until this passes. What will you buy in preparation for the swine flu? Be sure to follow djuggler on Twitter.

View H1N1 Swine Flu in a larger map

View H1N1 Swine Flu in a larger map

Map Legend: Pink markers are suspected cases, Purple markers are confirmed cases, if there is no black dot someone has died, yellow markers indicate tests came back negative. Map created by Niman of Biomedical Research in Pittsburgh, PA USA.

See also: HealthMap – Global disease alert map. Mashable explains how to track swine flu online.

Update: US declares public health emergency for swine flu

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. declared a public health emergency Sunday to deal with the emerging new swine flu, much like the government does to prepare for approaching hurricanes. [Source, CourierPress/Associated Press]

Update: U.S. prepares for possible swine flu epidemic as global cases rise

(CNN) — The United States stepped up preparations for a possible swine flu epidemic, and Canada confirmed its first cases on Sunday as researchers worked to determine how contagious the virus could be. [Source, CNN Health]

Update: Swine flu: Twitter’s power to misinform
Update: Another map which actually shows the number for each area affected. The data is by The Guardian and looks to be lagging behind Niman who just really seems to be on top of it.
Update 27Apr2009: Swine Flu in Mexico Linked to Poorly Managed Factory Farms

Investigations now reveal that the swine flu epidemic that began in Mexico and spread worldwide is probably connected to pollution caused by unsanitary pig breeding farms in the region. [Source, ecoworldly, Swine Flu in Mexico Linked to Poorly Managed Factory Farms]

Update 28APR2009: Swine flu creates controversy on Twitter (I don’t agree with the tone of this article. To me it sounds like John D. Sutter doesn’t get Twitter.)
CNN has a map!

The World Health Organization on Monday raised its pandemic alert … from level three to level four on the WHO’s six-level threat scale means the world body has determined the virus is capable of significant human-to-human transmission — a major step toward a flu pandemic [Source, CNN, WHO raises pandemic alert level; more swine flu cases feared]

Update: Obama Seeks to Ease Fears on Swine Flu – "the president said there was ‘not a cause for alarm.’"
Swine Flu in Mexico- Timeline of Events
The dirty farm in Mexico which is the apparent source of the flu is 50% owned by American company Smithfield.
Update: Sebastian blogs from Mexico.
Update: Interesting sickness tracker based upon Twitter references: Knoxville, Nashville, and USA. Thanks to Michael Silence and Ben Cunningham of Taxing TN for the link.
New York City Health Commissioner Thomas Frieden reports many hundreds of school children sick with suspected cases of Swine Flu.
Update: Cuba closes borders to travel from Mexico. Swine Flu
Update: First person in Mexico with Swine Flu identified.
