"Murphy was an optimist!"
My State Representatives Do Not Represent Me July 18, 2011 11:02 am
Posted by Doug McCaughan in : Local Politics, Politics, Regional Politics (SE), Touchy Subjects, United StatesTennessee House Rep. Julia Hurley (R-Lenoir City) said, "I don’t understand why it’s news, and I don’t want to talk about the desk."
Tennessee House Rep. Julia Hurley (R-Lenoir City) has confirmed that she carved her initials into her desk in the state legislature. … this childish display is indeed pretty disappointing — and she isn’t the only one who’s done it, as there are other initials and dollar signs carved into the House’s desks.
Representative Hurley, allow me to explain. Your vandalism of public property is news. It demonstrates your lack of respect for your position and your standoffish, it doesn’t matter, response is suggestive of how you may chose to ignore your constituents.
I was twelve years old, not 29, the last time I carved my initials into something. It was a hand rail at a Disney World ride during an excruciatingly long wait. But after being scolded, I felt bad and was apologetic. I realized the wrong I had done in choosing to vandalize. Perhaps Representative Hurley would do well to learn from a child that we accept our wrong doings and apologize.
Why does this matter? Because as an elected official, she reflects upon every person of Tennessee. When people outside of TN learn that I am from TN, their first impression of me is established by the news of Representative Hurley’s, or Stacey Campfield’s et al, actions and legal decisions. Also, if Rep. Hurley does not approach her job with more professionalism, and let’s face it–carving in desks is something middle schoolers do, how can we expect her to approach legislative decisions?
add a commentHouse Committee Hearing Tomorrow! Your pets are in danger! April 22, 2009 1:01 pm
Posted by Doug McCaughan in : Daily Life, Family, PetsI almost let this one slip by. Contact your representative today if you love your pets.
Anyone with pet fish, birds, reptiles, or small mammals will be affected by this bill. Any company selling product or services for pet fish, birds, reptiles or small mammals will be affected by this bill. Would you be impacted by "The Nonnative Wildlife Invasion Prevention Act"?
- Virtually all fish in an aquarium are not native to the United States
- Most pet birds are species not native to the US
- Most reptiles kept as pets are not native to the US
- Hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs and ferrets are not native to the US
I think this comment from Facebook sums it up well:
add a commentMandy Kilpatrick at 12:25am April 19
It’s really backwards. They need to work on this. I’m all for protecting native wildlife and plants from harmful imported critters…but every area will have different problem animals. The problem critter that might thrive in Florida more than likely won’t be a problem in Minnesota. This is a ridiculous way of facing the problem. Needs work. Write your reps!