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"Murphy was an optimist!"

And thus the water wars began… March 15, 2015 10:21 am

Posted by Doug McCaughan in : Environment, Touchy Subjects
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NASA scientist declares .

“And thus, the water wars. By 2017 mankind had scurried to build pipelines in an attempt to move water from one side of the country to another. Environmentalists stayed silent as bulldozers and eminent domain tore through protected lands and national parks in a attempt to settle the anarchy which had befallen California. By 2018, millions of Californians had died and the first water trickled through the continental pipeline. Between 2015 and 2018, naturally scientists and companies looked to the Pacific Ocean for desalinization but our technology just wasn’t ready. By 2019, the national stabilized. California’s water rationing was released and the remaining residents filled their pools, and greened their lawns. By 2020, the areas of the United States feeding the great water pipeline began to feel the pain as water rationing was introduced in their counties. Domestic terrorists began strategic attacks upon the pipeline. Countries around the world began experiencing similar problems as the United States. Desalinization attempts were begun again. In 2022, only the superrich remained alive in California as they could truck water in. One entrepreneur recognizing the hopeless demise of the polar ice caps had begun a glacier harvesting operation to haul polar water to the United States. Other countries followed suit and by 2030, what remained of the polar ice caps was a polluted, pillaged, undrinkable mess riddled with blood and oil stains and slightly irradiated from the ice harvesting tools and skirmishes. In 2035, a lone man sat in a desert, protected only by shade he created with the remains of a raggedy Coleman tent. A single jet flew low overhead. Little did he know it was the last plane to ever flew. It had been on a scouting mission for drinkable water and the pilot, devoid of hope, crashed it into the ocean. The desert man hummed a mantra, withdrew a stick from his backpack, and proceeded to use his divining rod where he sat under his shade. The stick pulled to the ground. 10 minutes later, with minor effort of digging, the desert man quenched his thirst. …”

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You can have your jet ski July 30, 2009 5:40 pm

Posted by Doug McCaughan in : Of Interest
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Keep your jet ski! I’m getting a Jetlev flyer!

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TN/GA Border Dispute continues? June 3, 2008 7:50 am

Posted by Doug McCaughan in : Environment, Politics, Regional Politics (SE), Touchy Subjects
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I thought Georgia wanting to move the Tennessee border was a publicity stunt. Is this really continuing or is Knoxnews hurting that badly for a story? "More details as they develop online and in Wednesday’s News Sentinel."

Georgia’s water problem will not be solved by tapping the Tennessee River. They have a water management problem. If someone has a spending problem, their spending habit does not get cured by throwing more money at them. Georgia must develop land management and water management plans. How much of their water is flushed out to the Gulf of Mexico in storm drains rather than recaptured for recharging the aquifers? Does Peachtree Street need another fountain?

I predict there will be bloodshed if that border ever actually moves!

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