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Father of LSD turns 100 on Wednesday

The New York Times has an interesting article on Albert Hofmann who created LSD. He turns 100 on January 11, 2006 and is still “mentally clear.” He remains a strong advocate of LSD.

Mr. Hofmann calls LSD “medicine for the soul” and is frustrated by the worldwide prohibition that has pushed it underground. “It was used very successfully for 10 years in psychoanalysis,” he said, adding that the drug was hijacked by the youth movement of the 1960’s…

Wikipedia has more information.

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Backmasked Lyrics

We’ve all heard that if you play certain music backwards that you can hear hidden messages but have you ever tried it? This person actually went to the trouble of recording his music backwards to find the hidden messages. Technically he just recorded the music then reversed it in Windows Recorder. If you are only going to check out one, let it be Britney Spears “Hit Me Baby One More Time.”

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First test call with Skype very successful!

I’m a Skype user now! I’m going by djuggler if you want to look me up. I just made my first test call with Tim. What a better way to test an Internet telephone call than to go half way around the world! The sound quality was amazingly clear.

Since I’m not using any of the paid features, I’m a little unsure about the differences between Skype and using something like MSN Messenger for video chatting. I’m going to have to compare the quality soon. For the time being, I just want to sound off about how cool it is to live in a time that we can make calls around the world without having to take out loans to the phone company!

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He Returns

My first post ever was January 5, 2004 so after Blogger deleted my account I took a month off and find it ironic that on January 5, 2006 I started the process of relaunching a new blog. I’ve been very impressed with the variety of things Kristy has done with her blog which made the decision to go with WordPress. I’m further impressed with the simplicity of the WordPress installation and on top of that it has an import function to get your posts and drafts from Blogger into WordPress! It’s a shame I didn’t discover that long before losing all my drafts to Blogger’s indiscretions.

Happy New Year! I expect greatness for 2006!

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 Time to join the fad. For a year I’ve wanted to write my own blog program and that sums me up. I have several great ideas that fail to leave the ground for one reason or another.

Here are today’s events that inspired me to become a publisher:
* Found potential jobs in Careers section of paper last night, went to apply only to note that applications must be sent by mail (ergo, I’ll be out of food before those turn into money)
* Printer has run out of color ink (no marketing flyers)
* Bank 1 has run out of money; bank 2 will dry up tomorrow
* Microsoft word crashes on the computer that works
* As a web developer, my equipment supports me. So the monitor on my graphics machine died leaving only this monitor which is in the process of dying. So when it goes, how do I support myself and family? [had I been blogging it would be quite humorous to flood the stream of dying equipment in my house– video cards, starter motors, dryer, kids scooters (both brand new), sink, sink, sink, sink, faucet, faucet, faucet and more