"Murphy was an optimist!"
* have now rested–feel better but still queazy … January 7, 2004 9:56 pm
Posted by djuggler in : Daily Life* have now rested–feel better but still queazy
Jeff Foxworthy Speaks:
-IIIiiiF you have a major appliance stored on your back porch with hopes of repairing it ONE DAY, then you might be a redneck.
-IF yooouuu own and use a hand cart to move a major appliance in and out of your house, you might be a redneck.
-IIiiiiF YOU open your basement door to exchange the old appliance with the new (used) appliance AND the temperature of your bedroom DOES NOT change, then you might be a redneck.
It seems… I’m a redneck! 🙂
add a comment* feel like crap. I kinda waver between wanting to… January 7, 2004 8:01 pm
Posted by djuggler in : Daily Life* feel like crap. I kinda waver between wanting to pass out and wanting to lose my lunch
* apparently the kids are scared of me when I use the tone of voice that I use with them.. try harder or give up?
* I gotta rest a sec
* bathed then had incredible dizzy spell and almos… January 7, 2004 7:24 pm
Posted by djuggler in : Daily Life* bathed then had incredible dizzy spell and almost passed out. Had this vertigo condition a year ago when things were bad. It’s obviously stress induced. Without warning, the room will take off and its everything I can do to hold my stomach. Closing eyes doesn’t help and actually makes it worse.
* took some meclizine and slept 2 hours. felt better. took more meclizine and went to kinko’s then father in law’s to pick up their old dryer as a hold over for our broken dryer.
* Contacted headhunter to get a “yeah.. everyone is kinda busy getting back from the holidays but we expect things to pickup” type of answer
* got home to find that I won’t be going immediately out with marketing materials as planned
* phone interview rescheduled for tomorrow * work… January 7, 2004 12:58 pm
Posted by djuggler in : Daily Life* phone interview rescheduled for tomorrow
* worked on my website for a bit
* preparing to make sales calls
* still waiting January 7, 2004 11:41 am
Posted by djuggler in : Daily Life* still waiting
add a comment* Just received word from a good friend that a pos… January 7, 2004 11:17 am
Posted by djuggler in : Daily Life* Just received word from a good friend that a position I applied for locally will probably turn into a job interview. Crossed fingers.
* Anxiously awaiting my 2nd phone interview for a contract job that would have me away from my family the better part of 6 months. Yuck.
It’s begun! * Art computer lost the brush plugi… January 7, 2004 9:23 am
Posted by djuggler in : Daily LifeIt’s begun!
* Art computer lost the brush plugin for Illustrator. This nice piece I made last night now can’t be used. Ugh. Reboot and the machine hangs. The laptop is just sloooow. And now every time I flip between machines on the analog switch box I lose the keyboard on the XP machine and can only get it back by logging into a non-administrative account (without a password) then log out of that account and back into the administrative account. Time for some food.
8:00 am Kids are off to school. Oops. Must give m… January 7, 2004 8:59 am
Posted by djuggler in : Daily Life8:00 am Kids are off to school. Oops. Must give medicine to the home schooler and then prepare for my phone interview.
It’s cold as all get out! I so need to fire up the… January 7, 2004 8:11 am
Posted by djuggler in : Daily LifeIt’s cold as all get out! I so need to fire up the wood stove but none of the wood is split; I can’t afford to buy split wood; and the flue hasn’t been inspected in 2 years.
add a commentA New Day! Let’s start the day off with a PayPa… January 7, 2004 6:31 am
Posted by djuggler in : Daily LifeA New Day!
Let’s start the day off with a PayPal donation link:
* After declaring zzs last night I proceeded to stay up until 1:30 working on my design concept for a site that I hope will produce money for me although I have failed to follow my business plan and launch ahead of my competition
* Woke 10 year old half an hour ago to have her finish her school work. Now grabbing another 30 minutes of sleep against my better judgement. I should be greeting the day with stretching exercise or work.
* pondering zzzs – Should work on a website.. January 7, 2004 12:57 am
Posted by djuggler in : Daily Life* pondering zzzs – Should work on a website..
add a comment* Went upstairs to help the 10 year old finish a l… January 7, 2004 12:33 am
Posted by djuggler in : Daily Life* Went upstairs to help the 10 year old finish a long term project for school. Told wife she was tired and snippy then proceeded to let the tone of her voice set me off at which point I became angry and now I feel like crap.
* Finished marketing brochure for a unique market. Hopefully this is a nice angle.
* Hind quarters getting sore. Have now applied onl… January 6, 2004 11:08 pm
Posted by djuggler in : Daily Life* Hind quarters getting sore. Have now applied online to one job possibility and signed up with another recruiter. A good friend helped search out several others and has inspired me to barage people with resumes and cover letters at a rapid pace. Must break for coffee and maybe a brief bit of reading. I am disappointed that I did not get marketing materials out today. I’m detecting a pattern since I’ve been trying to get these into the right hands since before Christmas–fear? procrastination? ambivalence? decision through lack of decision?
add a comment* Sent 3 marketing emails to other web developers … January 6, 2004 9:48 pm
Posted by djuggler in : Daily Life* Sent 3 marketing emails to other web developers in the area – hopefully this will at least help get my name out a bit
* Did some brain stimulation by helping to solve someone else’s problem online – no avail – tis still broke
* Update domain information and set up 2 more domains with my host and setup email so that I could send marketing email with the correct viral marketing. Tis silly to ask your competitors to use you as a sub when your website says you compete with them.
Beautiful Moments I love my time with my kids. … January 6, 2004 8:40 pm
Posted by djuggler in : Daily LifeBeautiful Moments
I love my time with my kids. Getting ready for bedtime is the best with baby in lap reading stories to each other. First I read to her, then she reads to me. I need more such quality time with the older ones. The 10 year old is grousing over an unfinished long term project. I fear we are reinforcing her procrastination. Must work on that. The 13 year old is in the bath going on 1.5 hours now. And the 7 year old is lying in bed reading (and sneaking play time with the Playmobile). He’s an angel!