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You know what disheartens me more than anythiing e…

You know what disheartens me more than anythiing else? Not being able to find things in my own house! There was a time when my life, regardless of the clutter, was organized. I could find anything and everything had its place. Now, nothing has a place and it doesn’t matter if you put something somewhere specific in order to remember where you are putting it because it ends up somewhere else anyway.

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How I’ve Been Found

I thought it would be fun to show how people have been finding my blog. My history only keeps the past 20 searches and last I looked I was on 5 or so. Apparently something changed:

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A New Day! Let’s start the day off with a PayPa…

A New Day!

Let’s start the day off with a PayPal donation link:

This Morning

I have a letter to get to a recruiter. Dry cleaning to pickup and dry cleaning to drop off. The baby woke early but I’ve so much to do I’ve left her playing in the crib hoping she would return to sleep (not gonna happen). The Internet connection wasn’t working so I had to trouble shoot that. And we let the indoor cat’s food run out (refilled last night) so I knew I’d have cat puke this morning and sure enough I did. Hopefully I found it all. Tommy is refusing to get dressed but that’s his problem. I have to get the others to school.

Stress up but managed.

Last Night

Felt the need for selfindulgence but could not find any good television on. Besides, usually what I want to watch does not appeal to the wife so in the end I chose sleep instead. We did get to watch some Arrested Development and the end of Star Trek Nemisis.