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So, why are we still up?

I paid the cable bill yesterday (which is also our Internet connection bill). I choose this over food because if I play my cards right I’ll have some more money, however minor, trickle in over the next couple of days. If I had waited one more day on the cable bill they would have doubled the price of getting the cable plus a reconnect fee. Since all the jobs I am seeking I am finding on the Internet and my coorespondences are by email, I logiced this was a resource I could not let die.

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A New Day! Let’s start the day off with a PayPa…

A New Day!

Let’s start the day off with a PayPal donation link:

This Morning

Up at 5. Way alive. Tried to rise. Demise. Some quick R.E.M. and back again. 6 is good for kicks.

Amy lost her bop (pacificer), and nite nite (blankey) so she was crying. I got her settled and considered getting Sarah up but it was really 15 minutes early. Roll the dice. If Amy sees me getting Sarah then she will get up. I will chance her going back to sleep and me getting Sarah up in 15 minutes. No good. in 15 minutes Amy insisted on joining us.

Amy in a jolly mood. Unprompted stacked her stacking boxes. Unfortunately she did it on the couch so when she tried to stand to stand the next one they fell down. She looked sad and confused for just a moment before moving on.

Noah, the early riser, got up on his own accord, got himself ready quickly and is cheerful as usual. What a great guy! Sniffles.

Sarah is trying her best to happily get ready for school and entertain Amy at the same time since Amy won’t leave her side.

Tommy remains in bed of course. He doesn’t know it but his bus had a route change and won’t pick him up until 8:15. I’ll let him stay in bed a bit this morning.