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Memory Lane

My comment to my brother’s blog regarding our great grandmother. I have been trying to think of a way to write about her, the correct story, the best memory. Dean prompts this:


And round push button light switches that thunked when you pushed them. They were alluring.

I still remember the smell of the place. And the alcove between the living room and the kitchen where the toy chest was kept.

The 20 cats.

The wasp nest under the swing. Was you or I that got stung?

The bees in the fig tree that didn’t mind the boys climbing it.

The fresh figs.

The games of chase under the grape fine.

Choking on a lemon drop and hiding in a bedroom so no one would know.

The ditch and church on the other side.

Most of all, I remember the scratchy voice of that kind woman, her dark rimmed glasses, the wrinked face, the gray hair pulled back in a bun, a skinny frame but still gravity had pulled her mass downward trying to reshape her as a bell, her hands, and her cane.

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A New Day! Let’s start the day off with a PayPa…

A New Day!

Let’s start the day off with a PayPal donation link:

This Morning

Woke at 3:30. Could not take the stench. Apparently the dog just had to go. She is trying for the papers and that is a good thing. So I cleaned up her mess and was wide awake thinking, “Productivity time!” Then I thought, I really should wait until 4 or 4:30 to go to the computer. Woke at 6am and stared at the clock until 6:07 when Noah came down to tell me it was time to get up. 8 more minutes of self torture for allowing myself to be seduced back into bed.

Today is to be all about drywall and electrical wiring at two different locations. This evening we will enjoy a meal with friends. I’m torn. We don’t get invited out much and when we do we have childcare issues. This is not a time to be dabbling in the luxuries of finer dining but this outing will be very healthy for Cathy and I mentally and we like the couple that has invited us out. I would like to grow our friendship.