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Like Sheep To The Slaughter

Would your children know how to save themselves in a school shooting? I’m not even sure I like the idea of having to teach this to a young person. I try to teach trust, honesty, confidence and following the rules yet to prepare a child to deal with such a situation we have to teach them insecurity (look over your shoulder), awareness (not a bad thing but in this context we are teaching suspicion), lack of trust, conspiracy and fear.

In college I pranced across the lawn at UT and looked at my surroundings and thought, "wow, if a snipper were in that tower or atop any of those buildings I could die right now." But I chose to embrace my moment and enjoy life rather than rush from bush to bush and shadow to shadow trying to evade the imaginary killer. Is a child capable of such a decision?

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Sweet! ColdFusion rocks and here’s why!

So you want to include a Google Map on your site? With ColdFusion you can do it in two lines of code using CFGoogleMaps!

    //Create the object
    cfgm = CreateObject('component','cfgooglemaps');
    //Pass the init function your google key and the
    //lat and lon on which the map should be centered
    cfgm.init('INSERT GOOGLE MAP KEY',38.898748,-77.037684);

    <!--- Now just output the map --->

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Catholic Magazine Shows Naked Bottom

The Famiglia Cristiana weekly has apologized for showing a naked bottom in a country where nudity is common in non-religious magazines. If you want to see what the fuss is about, Speigel’s Daily Take has published the photograph toward the bottom of the page.

The advert, for a maker of ventilation machines, shows a naked bottom through a misty glass shower door. “If you want to see clearly, call an electrician now,” reads the text.

Editor Antonio Sciortino initially defended the magazine’s decision to run the advert but backed down after complaints from readers.

Instead of apologising, shouldn’t he have just asked for forgiveness?