I have a machine to add memory to, de-virus and otherwise cleanup.
- First problem, I can’t get a signal to the monitor. Did the video card die? Ah! Monitor cable wasn’t plugged in all the way.
- Installed memory is a 128MB DIMM. Must check with Gateway TS to see what memory is allowed. Wow! Have to hand it to gateway. Surfing their support site for documentation is a breeze.
- 256 MB of memory installed. The memory doesn’t have to be identically paired but I believe it best to put the larger DIMM in slot 1 so the 128MB DIMM was moved to slot 2.
- Checking Add/Remove programs
- Removed ViewPoint and ViewPoint Manager
- Removed Diet Kaza
- Removed KaZaA Lite–nix–uninstall file unavailable
- Uninstalled MediaLoads
- Uninstalled Morpheus–nix–uninstall file unavailable
- Running Spybot and Adaware
- Received new definitions.
- Running Norton Antivirus Liveupdate – Subscription expires on the 27th, must advise.
- Last full system scan was 1/11/2005. Scanning now.
- Spybot issues:
- Avenue A, Inc.
- Advertising.com
- Callinghome.biz
- FastClick
- HitBox
- MoeMonkey
- SurfSideKick
- Spybot S&D fixed all but Callinghome.biz and will attempt that on reboot. Time to start researching a manual removal.
- Adaware found 215 problems. I won’t list all those but it does show that sixty pop six (\\windows\sixtypopsix.exe) is by a company called MediaMotor aka Roings LTD “a leader in targeted marketing” (their AIM is roingsmaster)
Operates in stealth. Downloads additional trojan downloaders and malware.
Some of the names include:
- exdgen
- Mediamotor
- e2give
- Ebates MoneyMaker (see also and manual removal instructions)
- ImIServer IEPlugin
- Roings aka MediaMotor
- popuppers.com aka MediaMotor
- Prutect
- IBIS Toolbar
- 180 Solutions
- Clear Search
- EzuLa
- MemoryMeter
You can right-click in adaware to select all. Also be sure to look under the "negligible objects" tab. Cleaning all issues.
- Done. Waiting for virus scan to complete.
- Virus scan complete. Symantec reports no viruses. Rebooting.
- Of 9.7 gb only 421 mb of harddrive remain. Must fix that.
- Spybot runs on boot. Results:
- Callinghome.biz
- AbetterInternet
- unplugged Internet connection to prevent new trojans
- Used Partition Magic to remove the unused 3GB partition and combine it with the 9.7gb partition
- Partition Magic failed. Trying again with one step at a time. Deleting Logical partition within Extended partition. Success.
- Deleting Extended partition. Success.
- Resizing primary partition for the full 13gb. Boom.
- Restarting computer.
- Partition Magic blew up again. Let’s try in safe mode.
- Giving up on Partition Magic.
- Re-created 3gb extended partition.
- Deleting temporary files and Windows uninstall information for antique updates
- Rechecking with Spybot SND. Reports clean.
- Rechecking with Adaware. Reports 10 objects.
- 2 tracking cookies (http://landing.domainsponsor.com/ and http://domainsponsor.com – considering no browser has been opened since the cache was dumped this is interesting)
- A0079949.exe related to Win32.TrojanDownloader.Agent.Ay
- MediaMotor
- Prutect
- ClearSearch
- Installing VX2 cleaner plugin for Adaware
- Checking for VX2 issues. Reports clean.
- Checking CWShredder. Reports clean.
- Reboot.
- Running Spybot SND. Reports clean.
- Running Adaware. Reports clean.
- HijackThis found:
- wsxsvc
- Ebates_MoeMoneyMaker under program files
- some other questionables
- reboot
- Removing Morpheus Gone.
- Manually checking registry. Mainly looking under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ (Run, Run-, RunOnce, RunOnceEx) and HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ (Run Run- RunOnce) Found newdotnet parasite
- Removed references to morpheus and kazaa within registry and program files.
- reboot.
- Reconnecting Internet connection.
- Checking HijackThis
- Task Manager won’t come up via cmtl-alt-del or right clicking the taskbar. Troublesome. Ah! A registry hack to enable/disable the Task Manager.
- HijackThis reports clean.
- Final virus scan with TrendMicro’s HousecallFound:
- TROJ_UR.A – \\windows\system32\sysdrc.dll
- TROJ_SMALL.AJM – \\windows\memmupdaterV2.exe
- TROJ_SMALL.ABT – \\windows\pi1_25.exe
- WORM_KLEZ.H – \Program Files\EarthLink 5.0\emailaddr@mindspring.com\mailbox\003.msf “OffersData(7).pif”
- TROJ_UR.A – \\Documents and Settings\User C\Local Settings\TEMP\ICD8.tmp\sysdrc.dll
- TROJ_DROP.A – \\Documents and Settings\User C\Local Settings\TEMP\iF5.tmp
- TROJ_SMALL.ABT – \\Documents and Settings\User C\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\7PBF500\pi1_25(1).exe
- EXPL_IFRAMEBO.A – \\Documents and Settings\User C\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\7PBF500\counter(1).js
- EXPL_IFRAMEBO.A – \\Documents and Settings\User C\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\1RXAFK7L\counter(1).js
- TROJ_SMALL.UX – \\Documents and Settings\mb user\My Documents\backit\gmz\Tiberium Sun\TiberiumSunRAR.zip *Layer2 cctibsun\RAZOR.EXE*
- One final Spybot S&D. Clean with the exception of 3 tracking cookies (no big deal).
- One final Adaware. Clean with the exception of 4 tracking cookies (no big deal).
- Norton Antivirus caught:
I did a preliminary cleaning that lasted 3 hours earlier in the week. Today’s cleaning started at 7am and ended at 7pm.