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Kristy's list

I really irks me when I forget to do something. There is only so much that can fit into one day.

Kristy makes a list.

5 thoughts on “Forgetfulness

  1. make a list 😉

  2. hehe. I like your lists! Right now my planner is out of pages. Right now I’m trying to make good use of Google’s calendar but it let me miss something that my land me in court. I’m thinking of carrying around the Filo and a Milo.

  3. I need to find a good online calendar/list maker etc.

  4. I tried out Hipcal but was won over with Googe’s calendar after figuring out that we could create a calendar for each person in the family, then share those administratively between my calendar and cathy’s calendar, and overlay them all. So if I only want to see Noah’s schedule I uncheck all the other calendars. If I want to see our overall schedule I check everything. I created a calendar for journaling that is private and I enter events as they happen. The family calendars are shared administratively between cathy and I and available for viewing by the immediate family. I think the public can see the calendar but not the details. I also overlay holidays and other a couple of others.

  5. Have you been to One folder for each month (12) and one for each day of the month (31). They even have a pocket system using index cards.

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