According to the statistics provided by my web host, Cathy had 1,144 unique visitors to Domestic Psychology on Monday. I had 1,143 to Reality Me. Alright, who is that one person who reads Cathy and ignores me!
Oh, frankly I don’t believe those numbers. I am more inclined to think that both blogs are somewhere between 50 and 200 visits a day but I don’t have anything to prove it one way or another.
I do highly recommend 1and1 for inexpensive web hosting for anyone looking to switch from Blogger to WordPress (remember, I’ll help you set it up for free!).
Why not add Sightmeter or Blogpatrol for stats? Both are free.
I have access to the raw weblogs which would be more accurate. I just haven’t bothered to process them through something like Webtrends.
I got on the Johnny Dobbins Knoxblogs express when it was still going, and bugged him enough so that I pretty much have full access to the server for free. Woot. Course, I slipped him a 5er the other day. Still, totally well worth it.
I use awstats, which is meh, and statcounter, which is decent but caps the log at 100, which only gets me a couplea hours of info. No good unless I’m on it all the time.
Oh yeah, I put that Google Anyletics whatnot thing on, and found it completely useless for my purposes.
I never visit your site. None of the hits are me.
The CIA has been watching the video feed for 6 hours 🙂 -At least someone in McLean VA has.