My day began with a discussion about "The mating rituals of the screw worm.""
A juggling technophile shares personal stories, challenges, humor and perhaps some political commentary.
My day began with a discussion about "The mating rituals of the screw worm.""
Keep us appraised on how the rest of the day turns out.
I was got baby shit on me
Now I wonder who that discussion was with
I suppose some explanation is in order. We were talking about extremely boring graduation speakers.
At first I thought we were talking about high school and I couldn’t see how stating “The mating rituals of the screw worm” wouldn’t keep a class in stitches for the whole speech; I mean the speaker said “mating” and “screw” in the same breath then threw in “worm” (should be a penis reference; it’s not) but still a funny word and then saying “rituals” makes anything funny.
But alas, we were talking about a graduation ceremony for masters students and “The mating habits of the screw worm” is an actual government study (although I haven’t found it yet). I think the speaker did the study (although he could have been referencing Knipling) and pointed out to the class the importance of the study (was this a reference to Jamaica?). The speaker’s point was “Don’t judge a book by its cover” and noted the significance of the study “The mating rituals of the screw worm.” Apparently he was still boring.
more screw worm info