For grins I added a chat application to TN Lottery Results. The same chat appears on Complete Lottery Info. I wonder if it will see any use.
Author: djuggler
World’s Smallest Controllable Robot
"Researchers there have built what they say is the world’s smallest untethered, controllable robot. When placed on a penny, it looks like a mole on the side of Lincoln’s chin, measuring a hundredth of an inch by one four-hundredth of an inch."
Tommy rides
Tommy rides
Of Grasshoppers
Student: How can I do more?
Master: Say "no" a lot.
Going To be small lots
Going To be small lots
In the end the will be no trees
In the end the will be no trees
View over the church
View over the church
This morning’s programming challenge
Within the next 2 hours, write a piece of javascript that based upon values in a series of pulldowns determines the price of a product using quantity, an attribute, another attribute, a third attribute, and the size of the product. There is not a mathematical basis for the price.
Update: The solution follows. This is viewable through the source otherwise I wouldn’t post it. Basically we create a class/object to hold the pricing data. When then create an array of objects to hold each permutation of pricing. Then we make a call to the database and fill the array. Finally, whenever a selection box is changed, we loop through the selections comparing values to what is stored in our objects until we find the one that has the price we want. Then we update the price field. The final product can be seen shortly at under the products listings. Right now flyers works correctly and I’m updating code for the other products.
//define a class to hold the data
function productinfo(qty, coating, sides, tag, productsize, price) {
//initialize object properties
this.quantity = qty;
this.uvcoating = coating;
this.sides = sides;
this.tag = tag;
this.productsize = productsize;
this.price = price;
//create an array to hold the objects of data
var products = new Array();
echo "products[".$x."] = new productinfo(".$line['Qty'].",".$line['Coating'].",".$line['NumSides'].",".$line['Tagline'].",'".$line['AvailableSize']."',".$line['ProductPrice'].");";
function updateprice(){
var pricefound = false;
for(i=0; i < products.length; i++) {
//test values here
frm = document.productselection;
//businescards = ProductSize, ProductSides, Coating, qty, tag
//brochures = ProductSize, ProductSides, Coating, qty, tag
//cdinserts = ProductSize, Coating, qty, tag, ProductSides
//flyers = ProductSize, ProductSides, Coating, qty, tag
//posters = ProductSize, ProductSides, Coating, qty, tag
if(document.getElementById('ProductSize').options[document.getElementById('ProductSize').selectedIndex].value == products[i].productsize
&& document.getElementById('ProductSides').options[document.getElementById('ProductSides').selectedIndex].value == products[i].sides
&& document.getElementById('Coating').options[document.getElementById('Coating').selectedIndex].value == products[i].uvcoating
&& document.getElementById('qty').options[document.getElementById('qty').selectedIndex].value == products[i].quantity
&& document.getElementById('tag').options[document.getElementById('tag').selectedIndex].value == products[i].tag) {
updatedivs('price','Price: $'+products[i].price.toFixed(2));
pricefound = true;
alert('price found! '+products[i].price);
if(!pricefound) updatedivs('price','Price: $----');
Interpret This
I dreamed last night that I was trying to pull strings to get Matthew Perry a job. The dream was very fixated on the presidential bridge that connected Knoxville and Lenior City? (perhaps Chattanooga) so that the president could go from the one city to the other on a flat service without having to deal with driving through valleys and ridges.
Of Grasshoppers
Student: I have a vice.
Master: You have a vice squad.
Yes! I did something for me!
TN Lottery Results is no longer terribly embarassing!
Of Grasshoppers
Student: Can we really learn from our mistakes?
Master: It would be a mistake to do otherwise.
Rhys and liam sell popcorn for pack 251
Rhys and liam sell popcorn for pack 251