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A New Day! Let’s start the day off with a PayPa…

A New Day!

Let’s start the day off with a PayPal donation link:

* Went to sleep last night about 10:30 – awoken at midnight – woke at 6:21am – woke several times between 6:30 and 9. Finally got up at 9. No dizziness!!

* Immediately yelled at the 13 year old for my laziness. That was wrong. Proceeded to be grumpy with the kids then sorta got a grip on myself and brought the tone down. My stress should not be their stress.

* Cooked eggs as everyone ran out to play in the snow.

* 9:30 neighbor calls to see if I could walk their dog. They are still in the hospital doing a hip replacement. No problems.

* still majorly stressing over where the money will come from.

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* been to the bank and the store. signed up for on…

* been to the bank and the store. signed up for one of those cool new mini-creditcards for my bank visa. Has picture signature and magnetic strip and fits on your keychain. After bank was walmart for groceries. Ice coming made me concerned about the car insurance which is close to lapsing.

* returned home fighting desire to lie down which a power nap would probably help alot but I’d catch hell for it. So instead I’m wasting time with this: Strip Poker.

* oh. Called another headhunter and got that vacant response like “oh, who are you” except that it was “we’ve only got 2 things in. Can you do ASP? Or can you sys admin an as400?”

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A New Day! Let’s start the day off with a PayPa…

A New Day!

Let’s start the day off with a PayPal donation link:

So far this morning:

* Woke kids (after waking with the room spinning)–slept while they got ready

* Took kids to school

* Slept until my interview. I was getting dressed slowly to keep the room spinning at bay and the phone rang early so I rushed to answer the phone literally falling against walls and trying not to throw up. It was my wife reminding me about the phone interview. I ruded said “that hurt. don’t do that again.” and hung up. That was wrong. She had the best of intentions but I was in agony by the time I reached the phone. I know its probably psychosymatic related to stress but that still doesn’t mean the room didn’t take off like a jet plane when I ran to answer the phone.

* Phone interview was tough. They will make their decision next week.

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marketing out In what is certain to be a waste…

marketing out

In what is certain to be a wasted effort, I distributed marketing flyers to 4 or the 5 “dance” clubs in town. I figure no one else will touch them, why shouldn’t I try.

Without the plastic covering the back doors, the outside air flows through this room like wind whipping through a canyon.

I should work more but I’m going to sleep.

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* have now rested–feel better but still queazy …

* have now rested–feel better but still queazy

Jeff Foxworthy Speaks:

-IIIiiiF you have a major appliance stored on your back porch with hopes of repairing it ONE DAY, then you might be a redneck.

-IF yooouuu own and use a hand cart to move a major appliance in and out of your house, you might be a redneck.

-IIiiiiF YOU open your basement door to exchange the old appliance with the new (used) appliance AND the temperature of your bedroom DOES NOT change, then you might be a redneck.

It seems… I’m a redneck! 🙂

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* bathed then had incredible dizzy spell and almos…

* bathed then had incredible dizzy spell and almost passed out. Had this vertigo condition a year ago when things were bad. It’s obviously stress induced. Without warning, the room will take off and its everything I can do to hold my stomach. Closing eyes doesn’t help and actually makes it worse.

* took some meclizine and slept 2 hours. felt better. took more meclizine and went to kinko’s then father in law’s to pick up their old dryer as a hold over for our broken dryer.

* Contacted headhunter to get a “yeah.. everyone is kinda busy getting back from the holidays but we expect things to pickup” type of answer

* got home to find that I won’t be going immediately out with marketing materials as planned

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It’s begun! * Art computer lost the brush plugi…

It’s begun!

* Art computer lost the brush plugin for Illustrator. This nice piece I made last night now can’t be used. Ugh. Reboot and the machine hangs. The laptop is just sloooow. And now every time I flip between machines on the analog switch box I lose the keyboard on the XP machine and can only get it back by logging into a non-administrative account (without a password) then log out of that account and back into the administrative account. Time for some food.