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* Added art machine to switch box; now resides on …

* Added art machine to switch box; now resides on a failing monitor that gets dimmer everyday. Surprisingly that’s metaphorically quite similar to my situation.

* Phone interview scheduled for Wednesday for a contract job in Memphis. Let’s see. IF the job comes through, I have no money for food, travel or lodgings in Memphis and it’ll be a couple of weeks AFTER they make their hiring decision before I see a paycheck so income could be 4-6 weeks away. How the Hell does that work?!

Once our society beats you down, I don’t see how anyone ever gets up again.

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Time to join the fad. For a year I’ve wanted to wr…

Time to join the fad. For a year I’ve wanted to write my own blog program and that sums me up. I have several great ideas that fail to leave the ground for one reason or another.

Here are today’s events that inspired me to become a publisher:

* Found potential jobs in Careers section of paper last night, went to apply only to note that applications must be sent by mail (ergo, I’ll be out of food before those turn into money)

* Printer has run out of color ink (no marketing flyers)

* Bank 1 has run out of money; bank 2 will dry up tomorrow

* Microsoft word crashes on the computer that works

* As a web developer, my equipment supports me. So the monitor on my graphics machine died leaving only this monitor which is in the process of dying. So when it goes, how do I support myself and family? [had I been blogging it would be quite humorous to flood the stream of dying equipment in my house– video cards, starter motors, dryer, kids scooters (both brand new), sink, sink, sink, sink, faucet, faucet, faucet and more

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 Time to join the fad. For a year I’ve wanted to write my own blog program and that sums me up. I have several great ideas that fail to leave the ground for one reason or another.

Here are today’s events that inspired me to become a publisher:
* Found potential jobs in Careers section of paper last night, went to apply only to note that applications must be sent by mail (ergo, I’ll be out of food before those turn into money)
* Printer has run out of color ink (no marketing flyers)
* Bank 1 has run out of money; bank 2 will dry up tomorrow
* Microsoft word crashes on the computer that works
* As a web developer, my equipment supports me. So the monitor on my graphics machine died leaving only this monitor which is in the process of dying. So when it goes, how do I support myself and family? [had I been blogging it would be quite humorous to flood the stream of dying equipment in my house– video cards, starter motors, dryer, kids scooters (both brand new), sink, sink, sink, sink, faucet, faucet, faucet and more

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Math 221

I’m throwing out old papers and have hit a box of my college notes. 1) The handwriting is very neat supporting a suspicion that I’ve had a stroke at some point in my life and never knew it. And 2) It is really hard to let these go since I feel like I, er, my dad, paid a fortune for these.

Regardless, it appears that I took Math 221 in the Spring of 1990 with Randy Locke and Henry Simpson.

This was published on 8/4/2013.