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Why attack your allies?

The BBC explains black flag (aka false flag) operations.

Other False Flag ops: The Gulf of Tonkin, Reichstag Fire, Operation Northwoods, 9-11, and to some degree the Lusitania, Gulf I, and Pearl Harbor. We baited the enemy in the latter 3 cases.

Do I believe all of these? Not sure. But the video certainly makes you think about the lies the government makes to justify world policy.

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I’m a Pamphleteer!

I could swear I have seen newscoma write multiple times about Bloggers being the modern day pamphleteer. Last night certainly showed that to be true. The Knox County School rezoning has caused quite a stir and last night roughly 130 people came together in a meeting that was planned only 4 days ago. Of the 7 organizers of the meeting, 4 are bloggers and others are readers of blogs. Even in the crowd there were mutters of blogging. "Thank you for your website" "I read your post" and so forth. Blogging can make a difference! Granted, these are words; action takes heroic effort and fortunately at least one of the organizers took that effort to arrange a meeting place, pull together a fact based Powerpoint presentation, alert the media (and we had media!) and get the right people together. Action also takes concerned citizens and the citizenry stepped up!.

Cathy appeared on WATE twice, WBIR was there, and at least 2 or 3 newspaper reporters. There may have been others. Tonight I will appear on a 30 minute political program from 8:30-9pm (details as I get them). Through blogging, have we joined the ranks of Thomas Paine and Jonathan Swift?

A big thank you to everyone that showed up last night! Brian Hornback has a recap of last night.

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Blogfest Happened!

Last night was one of those nights where I just should not have left the house. Of course, here of late as stress has increased, and I continue to work alone, I seem to have more socially inadequate moments. For me the blogfest was a blur as if I had too much to drink by the time I arrived. I got people’s names wrong, botched jokes, interrupted at inopportune times, could not get some of my past to come into clear focus, failed to eat my meal, and overall was a distraction rather than a compliment to the festivities. Oh, we also showed up late rather than early and that was me too.

I blame Evan! The child does not get restaurants although the wait staff seemed pleased that Evan was willing to sweep the floors. He tore through the restaurant as if it were a race track. Poured tea on the table. He chatted with strangers trying to enjoy their meal with the exception of the older gentleman and his daughter co-worker date escort hooker which is regretful because that could have been a fun conversation, "pardon my son for interrupting your, uh, uh, thang. So, do you measure those heals with a yard stick?" Evan was tired and doing his best to stay awake so I did the fatherly thing and drove him around until he slept but timed it wrong and he woke up just as I returned to the restaurant. Some thought I left angry but I was simply frustrated. I think Evan should have terrorized his grandparents instead of the patrons. For future blogfests, I will stay home and watch Evan, and Cathy and Tommy can go have a good time (and Tommy did have a good time! "Strawberry short cake fixes headaches and bad moods.")

On the positive side, I finally made the connection that a fellow blogger happens to be an old friend from college days! I had to sit back with a stunned look on my face as a wealth of blocked memories rushed into my head like the failure of the Wolf Creek Dam will on Nashville. Better put a call into the psychologist and hypnotist. I have lost touch with most people of my past. My best friend from high school and college days who at one time could read my mind hasn’t even met my youngest child and has only seen Amy once. Strange how age, responsibility, and children pull us into our own little cosmoses. When we went to the funeral, we boarded Molly at Dreamcatchers. I had to fill out a form that required a local emergency contact and I struggled to actually come up with a name and a phone number since all the relatives were going to Parsons.

Rich has the roundup listed as: Glenn, Helen, Tam, Friend o’ Tam (Bob I believe), Me, Cathy, Tommy, Evan, Mark, Lissa, Michael, and Rich. Cathy has the photographic evidence including the rain chains (see Jon) for Les.

Let’s do another blogfest soon!

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Blog Meetup

Brian Hornback blogs the Beard to West rezoning

It is always a little nerve wracking and exciting to meet fellow bloggers in person. At last night’s school rezoning meeting I was identified "You’re the juggler!" and an instant connection was created! It was nice being able to identify other bloggers as well. To walk into this room of strangers and see Brian Hornback was somewhat comforting; here was someone I had never spoken to in person but knew well through print. Blogs create bonds and connections that simply would not exist under other circumstances.

On this Saturday, April 21 at 6pm, bloggers will be meeting at Calhouns West (Kingston Pike and Pellissippi) for good conversation and eats. I hope someone rented the upstairs this time!

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When do they quit breastfeeding?

Maybe Evan will be breastfeeding at eight years old (video interview of a woman and her children who breastfeed at 8 and 5). One commenter claims this was aired on television:

This was on TV some time ago. You see everything is soo expensive in the UK now. Its rip off britain and milk is expensive too, so its all a big money save. We’re a bit weired over this side of the pond!

It is well produced but I cannot find any other sources to the video so it conceivably could be a spoof. Another comment says it was TLC or Discovery and that the children have never been away from mom for more than 5 minutes.

Maybe he will stop breastfeeding after he is married.

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The Best Blogfest Write-up!

The best Blogfest write-up goes to Barry with his perfect recap of a wonderful evening! East TN bloggers met in person to put name to url. Glenn Reynolds has the list of attendees. These events are a little strange to enter. For one, the children (except Noah) were with us and I have continued to fool myself into thinking that blogging is something we do unawares to them despite knowing full well they understand our blogs completely. I am sure that both Tommy and Sarah have visited each blog and declared them "boring and weird" since our blogs don’t use the word "cuz," don’t change the font size nearly frequently enough, and have no picture from Naruto. Also, we all read each other so…is there really anything to talk about? "Um..Post #1345." "Ha! That was great. I responded in comment #12768." "Read it! Excellent retort! Did you catch the Youtube video on that?" "Covered it in post #4491." Silence. "Check please."

In reality, we walked in 30 minutes later than intended and confused the hostess since we had no reservation, no call ahead seating and, apparently, had no intent to sit down. We made various attempts at figuring out if anyone was here: "Blogfest?" Blank stare from the waitress. "Inn of the Last Home?" A waitress goes to get a manager and whispers something about police. I didn’t know they already had a run-in with Mike Faulk. Sarah exits the restaurant in embarrassment and I stare blankly at a crowd of people that looks something akin to the prisoners on the train in The Wall.

So Rich Hailey approaches asking, "Looking for Blogfest? Someone identified you." For a brief moment I experience what celebrities must feel and I reply, "Good to read you!" Blogfest 2007 attendeesAfter locating Sarah we fill the final seats at the blogger’s table. Lucky for Sarah, a girl near her own age was sitting right beside her. They ignored each other the entire evening. Tommy had the pleasure of sitting beside Mike Faulk who graciously tried to engage the nervous, bored teens until being drawn into adult conversation with Dr. Helen, Glenn Reynolds, Perry Nelson, and Lissa Kay. Amy sat on Sarah’s other side. Evan took the head of the table with Cathy and I on either side of him until Katie Allison Granju, Jon Hickman, Randy Neal and Mrs. Neal showed up adding yet another table. The early bird side of the table included Thoughts of an Average Woman, Barry, Michael Silence and his wonderful daughter, Rich Hailey, and Say Uncle. As some seats emptied, Les Jones and his wife, Melissa, filled in (I hugged his wife and he was probably packing!). Pulling up the rear was Mark Steel who enjoyed Tuckaleechee Porter until closing. [Hopefully I covered everyone. This paragraph should have links to ALL attendee’s blogs and their Blogfest review.]

A play date?

In the realm of overt cuteness, Michael‘s daughter with a huge grin unabashedly bee-lined it to Evan, grabbed his hand, and led him through the restaurant to the vacant upstairs banquet area so they could run and play. Ah! My boy’s first date! Of course, little Casanova is in big trouble if he let’s the ladies lead him so easily.. ahem! They were adorable and thrilled beyond belief to have a playmate.

In the small world realm, Melissa and I go back a decade give or take. We met at a friend’s party eons ago. She recounted how I encouraged her to get into computers. The teenage girls who ignored each other in lieu of text messaging went to the same beach at the same time for a vacation this past summer. Perry Nelson worked with Lissa Kay.

In the realm of social ineptitude, I flashed our camera enough to make restaurant patrons think they were at a Hollywood movie debut, asked Mr. R Neil, "So, what do you do?" only to see everyone look at me like I was from Mars, Cathy and Katieand I got to blathering such a technical description of something that I myself became lost in my words! Guess I need to get out of the basement more often.

Overall it was fantastic event. Rarely do you attend something where no introductions are needed and the person sitting beside you possibly understands you better than your psychologist. It was definitely interesting meeting people face to face with whom you already have somewhat of a connection. I only wish we had more time for deeper conversation. The time flew by and partings had to come almost in conjunction with hellos. I look forward to the next Blogfest!

Evan chose Jon

Update: As I re-read my post with Cathy I realized I left something from the "In the realm of overt cuteness" paragraph. I had intended to tell about Evan and Jon. Ironically, before I could return to update the post, Jon had commented about being left from Barry’s recap. Evan doesn’t always warm up to people. He even shys away from the grandparents from time to time. There was a moment at the Blogfest where Evan stopped running around. Planted his feet. Extended his left arm straight as an arrow and pointed his index finger at Jon. Then he reached his right arm out straight as an arrow and pointed his index finger at Jon. Jon was the chosen! Evan declared him, "The fun guy!" Then Jon, father to be, reached down and picked up the insistent Evan who proceeded to drool and snot all over him. Evan really liked Jon!

Update: Mark Steel came in as we left.

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Do something for your blogger

I saw a great post over at Digital Media Minute titled "Top 6 Ways to Tip Your Favorite Blogger"

  1. Click their "dontate" buttons
  2. Buy them an item from their Amazon Wishlist
  3. Send them an iTunes Gift Certificate
  4. Get them a Flickr Pro Account
  5. Buy something for yourself through their affiliate advertisers
  6. Send them an E-Card

Read the post for details on each item. Really good suggestions!

Cathy suggests a different, less materialistic, approach.

dontate button

Button created for AT per his request.