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* forgot to add in the "lousy father" report. Went…

* forgot to add in the “lousy father” report. Went upstairs this morning and the hall gate is open for the dog (a puppy that is staying for a day or two) to romp and chew up all kinds of things. The door to the 10yr old’s room (where the 19mth old sleeps until I can get on my feet enough to build an addition) is wide open. The 13 yr old and 7 yr old are playing ps2 in the 13yr old’s room. Without as much as a “good morning” I jump on them. The 13yr old should have brought down his medicine when he got up. (that was all he got) The 7yr old has been told repeatedly not to eat food on the furniture. He’s munch right out of the cereal box. And they aren’t supposed to have food in the bedrooms at all since we tried it and it didn’t work out. He left the gate open. And left the bedroom door open after “going in to check on the baby” (which is terribly sweet but if that door squeaks she wakes). Bad dad! bad dad! I had a 2nd voice in my head saying “back off” “its no big deal” “correct your tone” and after that initial instinctive “jump on them for this” I pulled in the reigns.

I have to learn “7 yr old boys have their brains turned off” and that our 13yr old is really a 7yr old in a big body.

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A New Day! Let’s start the day off with a PayPa…

A New Day!

Let’s start the day off with a PayPal donation link:

This Morning

* Up at 4am rearing to go but allowed myself to lie back down. Up again 7:45ish and have walked the dog and put fresh, but wet, wood on the fire.

Dream: Dreamed that some goofball kids were surveying my lot with very little care and that in doing so I lost 1/4 acre to the neighbor. While I was inspecting the markings, they were in the house (went in basement side where my son was playing ps2). Looked like grifters to me.

Dream: An earlier dream began with me trying to rappel down a dangerous cliff or building onto some railroad tracks. It went horrible wrong. The dream changed to be in some kind of building observatory. It was glass domed and on the glass some impossible distance about the earth was this strange object. It was raining. As we got closer, it turned out to be 3 large sea turtles on sitting on the outside of the glass. We were then attacked by aliens that had come to collect the turtles. Our group packs into an elevator and an alien gets one blue lazer shot off hitting a compatriot in the arm. Fortunately he is wearing a protective suit and it does nothing more than throw him backwards. — that’s enough. It goes on and there is much more detail but unless I’m going to turn it into a novel it is silly to continue.

Last Night

* Finished watching Chicago on DVD.

* read some more in Diaspora

* found a DEEEEP sleep afterwards


Today’s Goals: php/mysql (kill it), finances, clean house

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* made a chicken pasta and a curry chicken for din…

* made a chicken pasta and a curry chicken for dinner (recipes to follow later)

* watched Chicago with wife and 7yr old fell asleep while spending some time with us. Good guy!

* Nite all!

State of me

Not dizzy (but Meclizine may be the reason); tired but know that I should put in a few hours on this computer. Overall, happy and mellow. But can flip that like a light switch to cranky and snappy.

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* I’ve been reading Greg Egan’s Diaspora and am a…

* I’ve been reading Greg Egan’s Diaspora and am amused that I am understanding it so well. It is science fiction packed with science fact. I have just finished Alice in Quantumland by Robert Gilmore which explains Quantum Physics quite well. Fortunately (recognising this in great hindsight), I had a great science teacher in the 7th grade that imposed some of these lessons on us. I recommend both books but read Alice first–its a tough read.


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Desires At this exact moment I want to do: …


At this exact moment I want to do:

– Go up on roof and inspect chimney myself so we can have a fire

– Get Tommy’s scooter out and fix it

– Get mad at scooter company for not returning my calls

– Work on php/mysql website

– Write detailed blog entry for this morning

– Add book references with my Amazon store to the blog

– Figure out why my eyes don’t seem to want to focus today

– Sand, patch, paste and finish gate repair upstairs

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A New Day! Let’s start the day off with a PayPa…

A New Day!

Let’s start the day off with a PayPal donation link:

This Morning

* rough start

* much movement and baby crying all around 7-7:30. Baby crying stopped so I hid under the covers (later to find that the 7yr old “rescued” the baby and was playing with her..very nice!)

* Got up again around 10 or 11 from a sleep of the dead

Last night

* sleep 10ish. Washed down 25mg meclizine with 1 Guinness