"Murphy was an optimist!"
Get Your War On April 8, 2011 9:15 am
Posted by Doug McCaughan in : Humor, Politics, Touchy SubjectsWhat killed the public option? September 30, 2009 10:52 am
Posted by Doug McCaughan in : Health, Politics, Touchy Subjects, United States$19 million and 5 purchased votes shot down the best change that could have ever come to this country.
Max Baucus got $7,734,102, Blanche Lincoln received $4,190,592, Ken Conrad took in $3,287,891, Bill Nelson was given $2,414,895 and Tom Carper accepted $1,592,380 from health industry interests. [Source, Intershame.com, Bought by the Insurance Lobby]
These Senators clearly voted against the wishes of their constituents who 81% favor the public option. Is this another example of the Government of the Corporation? In CEO We Trust.
6commentsBarack Obama Encourages Telecommuting January 26, 2009 7:38 am
Posted by Doug McCaughan in : Environment, Family, Of Being Dad, Touchy Subjects, Transportation, TravelI am a huge advocate of telecommuting. I acknowledge that telecommuting is difficult as the employee has to be very self-disciplined and the management has to let micromanagement go and extend a huge amount of trust in the employee. I think the benefits far outweigh the negatives. Barack Obama sees the benefits to the family in encouraging telecommuting as stated in The White House’s Family Agenda.
Expand Flexible Work Arrangements: Barack Obama and Joe Biden will address this concern by creating a program to inform businesses about the benefits of flexible work schedules for productivity and establishing positive workplaces; helping businesses create flexible work opportunities; and increasing federal incentives for telecommuting. Obama and Biden will also make the federal government a model employer in terms of adopting flexible work schedules and permitting employees to petition to request flexible arrangements. [Source, WhiteHouse.gov,The Agenda-Family]
Be sure to read Duncan Fisher’s summary of Obama’s program and his oration on fatherhood.
2commentsAre you bemoaning the $160 million inauguration? January 18, 2009 9:15 pm
Posted by Doug McCaughan in : Politics, Touchy Subjects, United StatesWell Bush’s inauguration cost $157 million.
11commentsthe Obama figure of $160 million that got repeated in the press included security costs associated with the massive event. But the Bush tab of $42 million left out those enormous costs [Source, Media Matters, The media myth about the cost of Obama’s inauguration]
This is going to be a good 4/8 years! December 12, 2008 10:52 am
Posted by Doug McCaughan in : Politics, Touchy Subjects, United StatesUpdate: Appears to be a Dec 2007 picture by Jim Cole of the Associated Press.
add a commentObama’s Infomercial November 2, 2008 2:48 pm
Posted by Doug McCaughan in : Politics, Touchy Subjects, United StatesIn case you missed it, here’s Obama’s infomercial that played on 3 networks last week:
add a commentI don’t have to blog politics anymore October 29, 2008 10:36 am
Posted by Doug McCaughan in : Politics, Touchy Subjects, United StatesNewscoma said it all. fin.
add a commentWassup! October 25, 2008 12:46 pm
Posted by Doug McCaughan in : Humor, Politics, Publishing, Touchy Subjects, United States, VideoAlright Youtube, I’m giving you another chance because this video is just plain funny and has a great end.
Its been eight long years since the boys said wassup to each other. Even with the effects of a down economy and imminent change in the White House, the boys are still able to come together and stay true to what really matters.
For reference, here is the original wassup commerical:
2commentsMcCain Endorses Obama! October 11, 2008 9:25 am
Posted by Doug McCaughan in : Politics, Touchy Subjects, United StatesNot really but John McCain just scored some points in my book. Well handled John! Watching this video was like watching a character actor step out of character. I’m still voting for Obama but McCain showed some class.
3comments"[Senator Obama] is a decent person and a person that you do not have to be scared about as President of the United States," he said, before adding: "If I didn’t think I would be one heck of a better president I wouldn’t be running." [Source, The Huffington Post, McCain Faces Backlash Over Rabid Crowds and Source, TalkingPointsMemo TV, McCain Tries to Tame Flames He Earlier Fanned (YouTube and Talking Points Memo site)]
I predicted Tom Brokaw the winner October 7, 2008 10:55 pm
Posted by Doug McCaughan in : Politics, Touchy Subjects, United StatesAt about 9:55pm I called Tom Brokaw the winner of the Presidential debate in Nashville.
#debate08 #nashdebate i predict tonight’s winner is Tom Brokaw. Mccain, i won’t see a dime of your 5k. Wear my shoes! You won’t like them. about 1 hour ago from txt
Anyone call it sooner?
Update: My other debate Tweets.
add a commentGet a Free Obama Button September 18, 2008 8:14 am
Posted by Doug McCaughan in : Politics, Touchy Subjects, United StatesFrom MoveOn.org:
Want a free Obama button? MoveOn’s giving them away totally free–no strings attached. I just got mine, and wanted to share the opportunity with you.
Click this link to get a free Obama button:
Matt Damon sums Palin up in 1:40 September 10, 2008 10:23 pm
Posted by Doug McCaughan in : Politics, Touchy Subjects, United StatesThis is the best election ever! September 7, 2008 9:37 pm
Posted by Doug McCaughan in : Politics, Touchy Subjects, United StatesI’m so lovin’ the 2008 election!
2commentsStill No Change August 31, 2008 11:42 am
Posted by Doug McCaughan in : Politics, Touchy Subjects, United StatesVote Obama!
add a commentHillary Clinton will not be vice president June 4, 2008 9:47 am
Posted by Doug McCaughan in : Politics, Touchy Subjects, United StatesAs I listened to Barack Obama claim the democratic nomination (and forced my children to listen), I heard Barack Obama speak positively of Hillary Clinton. And I heard him say that she would be on his cabinet in charge of health. His words were "And you can rest assured that when we finally win the battle for universal health care in this country, she will be central to that victory." I personally think that one sentence clearly says that she will not be the vice president. Obama is very well spoken! I look forward to seeing him as the president of the United States!
See also: Power Line, Obama commands respect, Binside TV, HILLARY CLINTON GIVES DELUSIONAL SPEECH AFTER BARACK OBAMA CLINCHES THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION VIDEO, and Binside TV, BARACK OBAMA CLINCHES DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION | BARACK OBAMA DEMOCRACTIC NOMINATION VICTORY SPEECH. As a side note, spell checkers really need to add "Barack" and "Obama" as correctly spelled words!
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