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More worry for parents

As parents, we can do as much damage by being over protective than we can by giving no parenting at all. Articles like this one " Report: Local Teens Branding Bodies, Running Health Risks " make you want to never leave your child’s side. Hopefully we can get through by having open communication and engraining right from wrong and the concept of making good choices. I know I did my fair share of stupid things as a child and teenager and young adult; shoot, I continue to do a variety of stupid things on a somewhat daily basis. I am thankful to be alive to be able to council my children. I just hope they make the right choices when presented with the options ahead of them.

…It’s been three weeks, but the scar and scabs and pus are still visible (pictured, left) on a local 16-year-old. She was branded, using a coat hanger, a blowtorch and seconds of pain….

…In high schools across the metro area, branding is becoming popular, 7NEWS reported. And since you have to be 18 to get it done properly, many teens are turning to friends and branding parties….

…Long term, because unlike tattoos or piercing, branding can never be undone. …

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March is Caffeine Awareness Month (ironically)!

The caffeine controversy – The wake-me-up stimulant is a fact of life for most people, but caffeine abuse is something Gov. Johanns wants Nebraskans to think about

…caffeine overdoses can lead to headaches, jitteriness, irritability, difficulties in concentration, mood swings and other maladies…

…”We’ve actually had people end up in intensive care because of issues surrounding caffeine,” …

…giving Boy Scouts caffeine after dark is like feeding a gremlin after midnight — it only leads to bad things….

…If you’re accustomed to drinking caffeine, you could experience withdrawal 12 to 24 hours after the last dose. Symptoms include headaches and small occurrences of anxiety, fatigue, drowsiness and depression….

…A normal amount per day is 200 to 250 milligrams.

In light of this article, I felt a reproduction of the comments to date from this post in order.

You must go 21 days to break a habit or routine … keep it up! I haven’t had a soft drink with caffeine in over a year and a half and it feels great.

Dean | 03.06.04 – 12:31 am | #


the sweetener in coke and pepsi is actually a neuro enhancer – makes portions of the brain race uncontrollably and frenetically. Dont switch to diet coke – its worse. it contains aspartame which breaks down to formaldyhide (formic acid) which is ant poison when store in warm places – eg warehousesm trucks etc. Do a google search if you dont belive me.

stop drinking the stuff – go away panic attacks!

tim | Email | Homepage | 03.06.04 – 11:56 am | #


I thought to break a habit it was 36000 repetitions (I’ve heard 21 days also)

The neuro enhancing effect that Tim describes (brain race uncontrollably and frenetically) is exactly what I’ve been experiencing dramatically for quite some time now often to the point of being dysfunctal.

As for aspartame, I avoid it with a passion. Someone in the grocery store influenced me greatly to stay away from processed and artifical foods. Granted, our lifestyle hasn’t permitted the exclusion of highly processed foods but we use natural foods whenever possible.

I have not completely eliminated caffeine. I went without for 5 days and then allowed myself 1 glass of X (be it coke or tea or whatever) per day. A fog has lifted from my mind and my soul has achieved a calm not felt in a looong time!

djuggler | Homepage | 03.06.04 – 9:01 pm | #

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I feel dehydrated. I feel buzzed. I feel a hollow …

I feel dehydrated. I feel buzzed. I feel a hollow dull throb in my head. My sinuses still feel like they have glue in them. But overall I feel GREAT!

Had much fun with the family and the girl scout cookie sales. My wife is so together and organized that everything went very smoothly!

The baby had too much cuteness to report. The 7 yr old said too many funny things. The 10 yr was blowing in the wind. And the 13 yr old was going a mile a minute but stayed in control and managed himself well.

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A New Day! Let’s start the day off with a PayPa…

A New Day!

Let’s start the day off with a PayPal donation link:

This Morning

Sinuses really bad this morning. Wondering if the mold in the car we drop for the first time in about a year activated them, or if the warm weather and sudden plant growth is causing alergies, or if this is residual from the cold (which the heaviness in my chest implies). Perhaps I should take some allergy medicine just to be sure.

So much to do in 3 days!