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Don’t tick off the neighbors

I was raised a Southerner with manors manners and taught to respect other people and other people’s property.

I think that people today have s*&t for brains, are completely self-centered and absolultely have thrown Mrs Manor’s Manner’s Book of Etiquette out the window.

So I’m driving into my street. It’s a cove. 7 houses. Unfortunately this causes a bunch of traffic from people thinking its a convenient turn-a-round. So, I’ve parked one of the cars strategically in the street so that people have to slow down and landscapers have to back up since their trailers can’t make the turn.

My neighbor is having some kind of gathering and as I drive down the street returning from an errand one of their guests is preparing to leave in her convertible. She takes a final drag off her freshly lit cigarette and tosses it onto the road still burning. I ponder. I consider a reaction. I respond instead. I had moved my car to the right of the road so she could get by; I quickly move it to block her. I get out the car. Walk to the cigarette and crush it out. Pick it up. Slowly walk to the neighbor’s trash can. Throw it away. And return to my car then drive past her into my driveway. I should have made and kept eye contact the whole time (my only regret). My typical response would have been to have a chat and hand the cigarette back to her but this approach felt right considering she was a friend of a likeable neighbor.

I suppose I could have waited until after she left but I like to make a point.

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Noah just came in wearing two watches–almost 2nd …

Noah just came in wearing two watches–almost 2nd grade appropriate. I had to de-geek him and ask him to wear only one watch. I had him remove The Simpson’s watch since it talks and makes lots of noise. Noah has enough problems with talking in school without a watch to help him.

Does anyone remember synchronizing watch alarms in school? I think it was probably high school but the digital watchs had become fashionable…oh man! remember those red led numbers? (that was probably middle school)…and I clearly recall leading people to set the alarms to all go off at a certain time during class. It was like a guaranteed moment of silence and starring from the teacher.

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A New Day! Let’s start the day off with a PayPa…

A New Day!

Let’s start the day off with a PayPal donation link:

This Morning

Slept like the dead! Did not want to get up this morning. The kids are moving sluggishly too.

Desires: Haul the rest of the wood from the neighbor’s before the fruits of my labor wander off, work on the yard with a brush burn, find the Jeep manual and work on the Jeep, get income

Today’s goals: Create a new business card design, create a marketing sheet, schedule a meeting with my recruiter (light a fire or fire him–one way or another there is going to be heat), study the MS Parter site to see how I could better be using it, Tommy’s psychologist appointment, meeting at Sarah’s school regarding 5th grade class trip, and finances.

Last Night

Watched deleted scenes and easter eggs from Futurama Season 1 with the wife.