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Anyone seen my glasses?

So how far can eye glasses and a cell phone ride on the roof of a car? 3.9 miles (6.2 km) Posted by Hello

The cell phone actually rode on the roof about another 3/4 mile where it was discovered still on the roof. Turning around in the car the glasses were found at a 4 way stop and survived appearing to have only been hit by a car once perhaps.

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Wahoo! Quad II!

I just spent a good deal of time in Quad II. I sent an invoice to a client. I cleaned the office (which makes me more productive) some more. In the cleaning process I found my patches for my scout leader uniform as well as other assorted goodies.

Good feeling!

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Living in Quad I

  Urgent Not Urgent
Important Quad I Quad II
Not Important Quad III Quad IV

An overly simplified view of Stephen R Covey’s time management system called First Things First (the 3rd habit of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) is that we want to strive to life in Quad II where things are important but not urgent. In reality most of us life in Quad I where things are urgent and important and Quad III (urgent but not important–what a terrible place) and Quad IV (not urgent and not important — television is a good example) devour our lives. How do we get to living in Quad II? Stephen says, “steal from Quad III and Quad IV” so even if its small steps the end result will be a huge improvement in your lifestyle.

For instance, last night I choose to spend some time in Quad II with my wife. We would spend quality time in bed watching television. It would be quality time because we would talk and catch up and bond. However, television sucks the quality out of quality time giving you just time which is Quad IV. As we silently watched CSI I found sleep.

A classic example would be that of the gas for the grill. I used to always have a spare tank of propane for the grill but the law prohibits the refilling of my older tank now. Refilling the gas tank should be a Quad II. It’s important that the tank be filled so we can cook dinner but not urgent since we won’t grill out for several days. However, procrastination can turn a Quad II task into a Quad I task in a heartbeat. We bought steaks. Steaks having a shelf life turned getting gas for the grill into both an urgent and important task.

Quad I…not a comfortable place to live. Quad I makes you fatigued. I live primarily in Quad I and frequently get sucked into Quad III (yesterday was totally Quad III) and often find myself wanting to retreat to Quad IV (last night). My time in Quad II is minimal yet I really enjoy Quad II.

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Irritated with self

I woke at 3am. I should have gotten to work but the dog was laying across my legs and I used that as an excuse to sleep until 5:30.

I had us budgetted to the penny and things were working. Got blindsided yesterday and suddenly there is big trouble. To top it off, my client that was going to “put a check in the mail Wednesday” sounds like he hasn’t done that yet.

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Where did the day go?

I went to a friend’s house this morning to help him with a 30 minute configuration of his wireless connection. I returned home 7 hours later and he still can’t connect to the Internet.

The Windows 2000 machine will ping the router, ping yahoo and even show if you type the ip address into the browser. Domain names will not resolve! It is definitely a DNS issue with the machine as his wireless laptop connected to the access point with no problems and the other desktop connected via cat 45 no problem.

I’m beat.

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The day thus far

I rose at 3:00am and spent the first hour blogging, dog walking and posting the lottery numbers. The next part of the morning was spent exercising my brain. I figure I have to make myself my own client. Even if TN Lottery Results and Complete Lottery Info never make a dime, they are important learning tools to help me break some of the bad habits I’ve developed over my years of coding websites. This morning I rearranged TN Lottery Results to accommodate the new Lotto 4 game. Behind the scenes I started rebuilding the code from scratch to accommodate a clean look instead of the horror that it current is. I also started working on making the code validate which means to make code usable on any browser and adhering to standards. My next exercise was to take the database design for Complete Lottery Info from paper to computer. That is begun but will take a huge effort to complete. Now I must turn my energy to my clients.

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What happened?

My blog seems to have temporarily vanished. This makes me nervous. What would happen if blogger lost my blog? All the writings, all the links…gone. I must ponder this and may consider having it published to my own server instead of bloggers from now on. Clearing FireFox’s cache fixed the problem.

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The one that made me laugh today

This one comes as a forwarded email from my brother and sister-in-law:

Mom and Dad decided that the only way to pull off a Sunday afternoon quickie with their 8 year old son in the apartment was to send him out on the balcony with a Popsicle and tell him to report on all the neighborhood activities.

He began his commentary as his parents put their plan into operation:

“There’s a car being towed from the parking lot” he shouted.

A few moments passed.

“An ambulance just drove by”

A few moments later, “Looks like the Anderson’s have company” he called out.

“Matt’s riding a new bike…..”

“The Coopers are having sex!!”

Startled, Mother and Dad shot up in bed!!!

Dad cautiously asked, “How do you know they are having sex??”

“Jimmy Cooper is standing out on his balcony with a Popsicle too.”