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Children Make Us Better Adults

A simple request, "Dad, would you read me the book Granddaddy got me?" during a heated, high pressure deadline reminds us that sometimes a break makes us more productive. Taking a few minutes with children instead of replying, "not now. I’m busy." makes us feel good where as putting them off gives us guilt. Remember, a toddler and even older children do not understand the concept of "later" and particularly "I’m busy." They don’t care. They want you to be busy with them.

Reading Amy’s story took less time than writing this post. She enjoyed the time and at the end of the story went on happily to other things. I love it!

Studies are even showing that napping (taking a short break) during the day helps make us as much as 30% more productive.

Liberty Wellness Tip: Well-rested employees create happier & more productive workplaces.

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My Blades are gone!

Blades is a concept SME Server (mitel e-smith) uses to allow easy additions of upgrades or software to the server. It is very much like Windows Update. I found this note on SME Server 5.6 release notes:


* The Blades web panel has been removed from the server manager as we have chosen to focus all blades-related development on our commercially supported products. Updates to this developer release will continue to be made available as downloadable RPMs as they were prior to the introduction of the blades interface. Commercial customers will continue to be able to download both updates and additional applications as software blades..

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Got Woot?

Good Woot today! Sold out in 39 minutes profitting Woot $23,992. Wouldn’t that be nice?!

Today’s item quantity: 800
Last Order time: 12:39 AM Central Time
Woot Member to blame: jaykid007
Order Pace: 0m 3.317s
Woot Wage: $36,160.11 an hour

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Linux Server Up!

It took all stinkin’ day. Brought me bear the point of tears. But I got version 6.01 of e-smith server (now SME Server) installed and running. Normally this would take less than 2 hours but I was having hardware issues. What a pain!

It set me unbelieveablly behind in my work but conceptually this greatly speed up my development efforts.

Point of interest. The linux server which I do all my php development (the one with the harddrive that is finally dying) only has 40MB ram, a 1.6gb harddrive and is lightning fast! The new server, a 10gb harddrive and 64MB ram. I don’t know the processor on either offhand but they are vintage.