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Juggling at Truck or Treat

This Morning

I juggled for roughly 2.5 hours straight at the church‘s Trunk or Treat event last night. There were significantly few cars than last year. I could not judge the number of people because I had spot lights on me most of the evening. Today my arms feel like rubber, my back is telling me I should be streatching regularly, and my gluts don’t hurt as much as they did last night and are actually probably better off for the event. We had one casuality during the show I asked for an adult volunteer and accidentally ended up with a child. This is for the routine I juggle knives over the person (actually, I juggle rubber chickens over them after convincing them it will be knives and blindfolding them). Since it was a child I turned the microphone off and forewarned her of what was to come (sometimes I have to do that for the adults too). She relaxed and enjoyed herself until she left the stage and fell on the stairs onto her hip. I was mortified! But she was ok.

The torches always draw a huge crowd. This performance I actually burned myself! A rarity. I was being stupid and as the volunteer held the torches, me standing on a rola bola (a board atop a pvc pipe), I lit the two torches closest to me then reached through the flames to light the third. It was a stunt that no one in the audience could follow and only endangered myself. Schtupid!

I would like to do more practices and more performances. Come on lottery!