When you are sitting at your wife‘s computer watching the children so she can bathe, and you accidentally drink her tall glass of ice tea, do you:
- Refill it from your glass
- Refill it from the pitcher
- Leave it empty so she thinks she finished it
- Blame the toddler
- Draw attention to it with a blog post
Update: Apparently she had taken her tea into the bathroom while implies I must have stepped into the bathroom, been overwhelmed with her beauty, picked up the tea, returned to the computer, and drank it in a spellbound daze.
I am notorious for drinking Jeni’s drink … it’s unconscious.
B, followed by D (so I can get credit for being thoughful enough to actually refill it).
Apparently the tea was in the bathroom so the crime is greater. I must have gone into the bathroom, been overwhelmed by her sexiness, picked up the tea, brought it back to the computer in a daze, and …