Would someone kindly explain to me why bras don’t have laundering instructions on them?
A juggling technophile shares personal stories, challenges, humor and perhaps some political commentary.
Would someone kindly explain to me why bras don’t have laundering instructions on them?
Because men do the laundry so rarely.
And there is good reason for that too.
Because we don’t wear them. If we did, guys down the line would’ve demanded it.
As much as most guys wanna know is personal mastery of the one-fingered removal technique … and how to toss them so that they hang around the doorknob every time — a valuable skill to possess, as it ensures never having to answer such frantic questions as “Where’s my bra?!?” (Although, we still lose the underwear)
Of course, knowing how to wash a bra greatly assisted in gaining that kind of knowlege… (and, of course, the red underwear are still problematic in that area, as well)