For me, writer’s block is caused by deadlines. I would like to take time for a lengthy post relating the weekend visit by the extended family, the birthday celebrations, the pains, the miracles, and so forth that transpired over the past few days. Unfortunately, I have work that must get done. My mentally and physically exhausted body failed to wake at the crack of dawn which is when I often let my creative writing out.
My writer’s block is not due to a lack of words but due to a lack of minutes in the day. My podcasting block is due to a need to purchase a hard drive (and preferably a digital recorder).
I can relate — too much to do in any given day, so my blog (aka: my hobby) falls by the wayside. Also, puppy training takes a LOT of time and effort. We can’t turn our backs on the puppy for more than three minutes at a time.
They’re so cute! But will make a mess so quick.