So wrong, yet so right.
Dogboarding from DANIELS on Vimeo.
A juggling technophile shares personal stories, challenges, humor and perhaps some political commentary.
Intented to make you smile.
So wrong, yet so right.
Dogboarding from DANIELS on Vimeo.
When the roads slow to a crawl..DANCE!
Everyone should enjoy their job as much as this crew!
A historic moment for birds and pigs everywhere.
Okay, what I gather from this Reddit discussion titled "Do women intentionally press there boobs up against men?" is that women basically have no feeling in their breasts. This changes everything! And explains a lot. You know, like when you’re working through certain Freudian fixations and she’s staring down at you with that quirky look of "can we get on with it already?!" like the one she wears when the line is moving too slowly at the grocery. Oh to be twelve again with this knowledge! …now where’d I put that book on erogenous zones?
You’re about to see a blurry man buttocks. It’s okay. It’s not bad and I wouldn’t even call it "not safe for work" It’s worth it to watch this whole thing!
Click for larger view. Seen here.
Amy wants a puppy for Christmas but we already have two large German Shepherds so I’m getting her this instead:
Picture borrowed from Picture is Unrelated without permission.
I’ve been debating getting an iPhone because I’d like to develop some applications for it. Plus I think it looks cool. I hesitate because of cost and I do a lot of texting on my phone by feel of the buttons without even looking at the phone. This new app has me thinking I need to forget the buttons and just get an iPhone!
Here’s your decision tree from