Student: I’ve made a terrible mess of things.
Master: Sometimes you have to mess-up to cleanup.
Category: Philosophy
Think deep.
Archaeologist uncovers primitive email in Knoxville
Knoxville, TN makes C-NET! Included are glimpses of "a primitive Internet society."
KNOXVILLE, Tenn.–A 1995 e-mail extracted from the hard drive of a recently unearthed Compaq desktop PC offers a tantalizing glimpse into the day-to-day life of a primitive Internet society, said the archaeologists responsible for its discovery.
They should go through my garage!
“We’re very excited by this find, because only by understanding our e-mail past can we hope to understand our e-mail present and future,” said Northwestern University archaeology professor Lane Caspari, who has been leading the dig through the equipment storage area of a Knoxville-area credit union since late April, on Tuesday. “The discovery also sheds new light on the 1990s–an era we know very little about.”
Of Grasshoppers
Student: I find separating tiredness from weariness difficult.
Master: Those who hide under the covers are not tired.
Of Grasshoppers
Student: I’m blind!
Master: Open your eyes.
Of Grasshoppers
Student: It’s not working.
Master: Change something.
I quit asking my question and now I pay a price.
Happiness is always inside
Ultimately we are responsible for our own destinies
Outside influences and circumstances can beat us down
But we choose between happiness and sadness.
We can wish happiness upon others.
We can gift happiness to others.
But we cannot force happiness upon anyone.
That’ll make you famous
I wish I had drank less alcohol in college. I bet she does too.
You choose the haircut…
Civil War Re-enactment is just so passe
Ah! Why programmers get the big bucks
Crappiest Site on the Internet
Gone are the days of lighting paper bags on doorsteps. Now you can give a crap over the Internet.
For whatever occasion, make that someone special feel exactly that…special! Yes, flowers and candy are nice but perhaps you are looking for something a bit more personal? Something that says you care and lets your friends or loved ones know that you truly do give a crap!
Box & Poop size & and color may vary.
The Crap o’ Gram is a novelty, non-toxic, rubber fake piece of poo.
Personally, this one doesn’t tickle me much but I bet most people will get a kick out of giving a crap. [Source]
You can also buy plush Pee & Poo (Swedish: Kiss & Bajs).
Bush Speaks on Immigration
I assume everyone has seen Bush speaking on immigration and our borders.
Norelco Makes a Ballsy Ad
Alright Philips! Make sure you click "Where to shave" for some extra footage. Oh man! You must go through the questions at "The Basics" too. And be sure to do interesting things like not move the mouse for a while. Bah! Just go through every menu. Be sure to check out the manager’s name tag.
One question, why does the shaveeverywhere guy’s legs look like shag carpet?
Amy Toots Her Horn
I think I put this video up before but now that I’m using youtube I felt the urge to share it again. Back in January, Amy discovered how to blow a horn with her nose.