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Mind blowing stopped action commercial for Phillips Cinema 21:9 TV

This video is beyond excellent! I cannot wait to go behind the scenes and understand how they manage to pull this off. The angles, all the action, the perfectly timed sound effects, and even the story told without words. Their subject matter is well chosen! I wish I had the talent to make such artwork.

Created entirely by Stink Digital, this new interactive campaign promotes Philips latest entrant into the television market, the CINEMA 21:9. Since the televisions 21:9 frame lends itself so readily to film, our friends at Tribal DDB, Amsterdam commissioned us to create a piece of filmed content that could hold its own with Hollywoods best. Director Adam Berg responded with an idea for an epic frozen moment cops and robbers shootout sequence that included clowns, explosions, a decimated hospital, and plenty of broken glass and bullet casings.

This epic film is the centrepiece of the project. On its own, it clocks in at a (totally coincidental) two minutes and 19 seconds, but Berg conceived it to work as an endless loop.

[Source, Youtube, Carousel, directed by Adam Berg (Stink Digital)]

Note some hidden references like "219" on the back of the police car. See more at, and