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I won!

Ok. TN got the PowerBall this week so yesterday I bought 5 computer quick picks. Today I got a card because I wanted to hand pick a couple of numbers (I’m not going to regularly play). I also bought a scratch and win card. If I am reading this right, my scratch and win card just paid me $35! That puts me up $29 on the TN lottery so far 🙂

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Tired. Very successful trip downtown. Got lots of …

Tired. Very successful trip downtown. Got lots of brochures for the zoo event, got questions answered about how to get tags for the car where we lost the title (which isn’t in our name), got addresses for all new businesses in the area over the past 2 weeks, collected my thoughts with a walk in the park, visited the Chamber of Commerce, cooked lunch, watched the History of Niagra (not all of the show); and am tired.

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Amy is up. Cathy slept through her crying–I suspe…

Amy is up. Cathy slept through her crying–I suspect tylenol sleep aid was necessary last night. I wish she could sleep better. Our friend Tim has suggested some exercises. She should get more details from him.

When I went down to get Amy she was yelling (gleefully) and jumping up and down in the crib. Her feet must have been grabbing 10cm (4 inches) of air! She is in a talkative fun mood as is typical in the mornings. She makes my day!

As I get her out of the crib, we take a moment to study what’s in the crib and she decides “nite nite” (her words for her blankie). Her ritual is that one thing must leave the crib with her. Out of the crib she takes a moment to identify the dog “Luscy” (Lucy) and “Mama, nite nite” (Mama is asleep).

She was wearing my house slippers (looking goofy as a clown) and saying “Dada shoes. Dadas shoes.”

Dog gone this girl is smart! She was crying for a cookie so I gave her dry cereal instead and she was standing in front of the utensil drawer and started asking for a spoon. “Dada, a sfoon. Dada, a sfoon.”

She is now in her play house yammering away. She spilled some cereal and cried out “Dada, a pill!” so I ran the rescue and put the pieces of cereal that spilled back into the bowl and she was quite happy.

I could go on and on. She is so much fun to be around!

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A New Day! Let’s start the day off with a PayPa…

A New Day!

Let’s start the day off with a PayPal donation link:

This Morning

Amy awoke at 12:30am and I couldn’t get her to settle. I tried putting her back in her bed after holding her and returning the lost pacifier, blankie (she calls it her “nite nite”), and juice but that nor the crib worked. She lay with Cathy and I for a half an hour then I moved her to the crib. She didn’t sleep well because she was up at 6 (I think she went back down) even though I turned the alarm off before it went off. Even though I frequently get up before the alarm, I still want one of these by Harris Communications.

I so wanted to sleep in today. I’m sorta thankful that I have responsibilities that make me get up. I wish I could get back to getting up and exercising. If we had carpet and it was kept clean, I would be more likely to do my stretching every morning and evening.

I am getting really strung. I have to get the art computer working again. I have to do finances today. I have to spend all day juggling. I really need to rent the snake for the pipes. I would like to help Cathy run around and empty the Project Linus boxes (Sarah says the one at school is full again).

Gave Noah Claritin again. I can’t tell if he is getting the sniffles or is having allergies again. He’s so laid back that it doesn’t seem to bother him either way.