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Enjoy Life!

I have to say I really enjoy my life!

I took much pleasure in watching Noah sing with the other 3rd graders. He blinked rapidly the whole time (time for glasses? nerves? tired?), yawned several times, appeared to mouth the words or just not sing at points and bellowed out the lyrics at other times. He really seemed to enjoy himself and I’m not going to shoot him down by griping about anything such as the yawming (I did have to ask about the eyes..I had to know if his eyes were hurting).

Sometimes as a parent it is so difficult to focus on the things the child did right and ignore the things the child did “wrong” (I’d prefer to say differently.) It is so easy to see where someone could that a co-worker, a public official, an actor, or your own child. We should not let our search for perfection destory another’s moment of glory.

Amy was very well behaved and also a pleasure to watch growing. She is very impressive.

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Dinner done!

I love cooking meals that span days and can be done ahead of the evening rush. Last night I made a chicken pasta that is basically a contrived meal (no recipe) and I do a “cheats coronation chicken”. I will have to post both later. The children love the chicken pasta and my wife and I love the coronation chicken (although this is more of a curry chicken).

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Pissszzzzss off

I’m so ticked at myself for sleeping as much as I did last night. I didn’t need that much rest.

My wife and I have very differing philosophies on sleep so on nights that I should not be sleeping but “need” sleep she won’t stir me however last night we was kind enough to try to wake me several times but I was too far gone. I can’t set an alarm clock because it wakes her too and then she can’t get back to sleep.

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A New Day!

Let’s start the day off with a PayPal donation link:

This Morning

NOoooo! I only had a few more hours of work to do and I made the mistake of taking a powernap..and 8 hour power nap!

The grifters I have for neighbors just reported that that “two big screen televisions” were stolen..and “you’ll see another rental truck out here today because we can’t live without one.” Before these people moved in we had no crime rate in this neighborhood. This had to be setup by them. When they want a new car they conveniently get rear ended. Everything they own is rented so when they want something different it gets “stolen”. If the televisions were really stolen it was by someone that knows them.

No the part that gets my goat. I watched a truck pull into their driveway or yard as it almost hit my Jeep. I meant to go out and talk to them but I got distracted. I wonder what the outcome would have been.